Friday, September 08, 2006


Back home and sober! Now there's a Friday night experience most of my readership won't have had in recent times. Was through in Kdy, was going to go to nightclub with my drinking buddies until I realised I couldn't really be bothered. The entry charge never crossed my mind because I'm really generous and have no stinginess issues at all. I'd have fallen asleep there anyway.

Was shocked earlier in the week to hear of the death of the great Australian Steve Irwin, he was someone I really admired. He was a kick-ass spokesman for conservationism and against animal cruelty and the killing of animals for fun. His programs were/are educational, who couldn't admire his knowledge and enthusiasm? He deserved a lot more than than the 44 years he was given. A hero in Khaki.

Bloody ironic really that the scumbag Ian Huntley took an overdose and failed to kill himself in the same week! There really is no justice in the world!


SleepingDog said...

Some people might say that by killing himself, Huntley would have evaded justice. Mind you, there were some unfavourable comparisons between Irwin and Michael Jackson.

morganovic said...

Steve Irwin in Australia is concidered, or should I sayt WAS concidered an embarassment. By the way Alan you're about as tight as it gets, you are the scotsman that invented copper wire by the way. And that fifty pence you dropped the other day hit you on the back of your head!

morganovic said...

I know, there's no s

SleepingDog said...

Aye, but in Alan's heyday, 50p was worth a fortune. I don't think the latest stingray slaying reflects well on the country; surely the last thing Irwin would have wanted.

Alan S said...
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