Wednesday, September 13, 2006


It makes you feel old (even me!) when someone in your training group, who you thought was much older, turns out to be seventeen. Year of birth 1989 for gods sake! Seems like yesterday..I mentioned to a colleague last year if she thought the Live 8 concert was as good as the Live Aid one back in 1985, her reply that she was two at the time was a little deflating. I watched it at a friend's house with a beer in my hand. Whatever was his mother doing, plying an eight year old boy with booze? Also makes you feel older when people you think are positively ancient only turn out to be a couple of years older too! Why this age obsession I hear you ask? You're still young, handsome and stunning..exactly, I'll worry in another 5 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes that's right it's me!!!! I'm now famous on Alan’s blogg, long may it continue. And yes I’m only 23 but some people get it wrong ant turn the numbers around thinking I’m 32 :o( anyway it's not stopping me from being stunning gorgeous and drunk at work.... yes today am positively drunk ;o) my right as a young girl in this long struggle that we call life. And I’m also very grateful for all the help that stunning Alan gave me yesterday whit the big quiz in the Steeme.

josefina JCLLP