Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Heil Kitler

I have a new ally in the struggle against the old maid pigeon feeding Mafia- my pal Kitler. Gorgeous isn't he? He goosesteps around the garden chasing off the birds while all the time formulating plans for world domination. He charismatically miaows most evenings before leaving his brown-feathered sparrow stormtroops to protect his domain until his return next day. Those sparrows better look out because I'm sure he's planning to purge a few of them..


SleepingDog said...

I doubt I've seen a more evil-looking cat. I can't see him standing up to that dog that looks like Winston Churchill, though.

morganovic said...

Good God Alan! Only you could have a cat that looks unnervingly like Adolf Hitler. You're a weirdo - right!

morganovic said...

I think you painted that tash on the cat. Did ye?