Friday, September 29, 2006


Have you noticed that globalisation is creeping into even farflung corners of our glorious country? I spent time in Germany a few years ago and you could rest assured there was no chance of a white pudding supper washed down with Iron Brew, now perhaps? Well probably not actually, the point I was trying to make is that I've just been to Lidl for very cheap German lager. Shame you can't get authentic German lentil soup though!! I like German things, provided they taste nice (and aren't total bitches!! haaaaaa). Oh, I am witty tonight..

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Heil Kitler

I have a new ally in the struggle against the old maid pigeon feeding Mafia- my pal Kitler. Gorgeous isn't he? He goosesteps around the garden chasing off the birds while all the time formulating plans for world domination. He charismatically miaows most evenings before leaving his brown-feathered sparrow stormtroops to protect his domain until his return next day. Those sparrows better look out because I'm sure he's planning to purge a few of them..

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


It makes you feel old (even me!) when someone in your training group, who you thought was much older, turns out to be seventeen. Year of birth 1989 for gods sake! Seems like yesterday..I mentioned to a colleague last year if she thought the Live 8 concert was as good as the Live Aid one back in 1985, her reply that she was two at the time was a little deflating. I watched it at a friend's house with a beer in my hand. Whatever was his mother doing, plying an eight year old boy with booze? Also makes you feel older when people you think are positively ancient only turn out to be a couple of years older too! Why this age obsession I hear you ask? You're still young, handsome and stunning..exactly, I'll worry in another 5 years.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Back home and sober! Now there's a Friday night experience most of my readership won't have had in recent times. Was through in Kdy, was going to go to nightclub with my drinking buddies until I realised I couldn't really be bothered. The entry charge never crossed my mind because I'm really generous and have no stinginess issues at all. I'd have fallen asleep there anyway.

Was shocked earlier in the week to hear of the death of the great Australian Steve Irwin, he was someone I really admired. He was a kick-ass spokesman for conservationism and against animal cruelty and the killing of animals for fun. His programs were/are educational, who couldn't admire his knowledge and enthusiasm? He deserved a lot more than than the 44 years he was given. A hero in Khaki.

Bloody ironic really that the scumbag Ian Huntley took an overdose and failed to kill himself in the same week! There really is no justice in the world!

Friday, September 01, 2006


Was this the quickest week ever? Maybe, perhaps because I wasn't looking forward to the weekend. I've a lot of homework for my course to do but what have I done? Nothing! Now I've a couple of days left and the pressure is on! I've always needed the pressure, even when I was at University I was always running to hand an essay in that was due in about 2 minutes time. I wasn't at Uni to write essays or dissertations afterall, I was there to booze and play pool. In fact I got a joint first class honours. So who is it? Clue for Tavis: She's female.