Friday, December 30, 2022

Goodbye 2022

 Almost the end of another year, I'm like a broken record saying the years just fly by blah blah.

It's not been the best of years for me so won't look back fondly on it, too many illnesses and injuries, it started almost exactly a year ago when I fell ill and things didn't get much better as the year progressed. If it's not me, then BP, who is rarely ill, decides to get in on the act, like this month.

Still, there are plenty of people with bigger fish to fry, among them my dad who isn't doing great, he is out the Dunfermline hospice and at Kath's right now. 

I made my 200K today, been a month of crap weather mostly so at least I managed that. Frankly don't have a lot to report this month, my budgies join me in saying these cold, dark months are not our favourite, if I win the lottery tonight I'll be spending half the year down under where the nephews are partying. 

Worked on Xmas eve, Xmas day (luckily only until 5pm after a swap), Boxing day and 27th. Am in again tomorrow, Jan 1 and Jan 2, so no major Hogmanay party for me. Cannot say the new year is my thing anyway, best time in the year to stay at home with the curtains closed, perhaps a mulled wine or brandy in the hand. 

Didn't even bother going to Edinburgh this month for their over-priced Xmas market, oh well, I find Edinburgh such a rip-off these days, it's all very well to support the hospitality industry but at £7-8 a pint in some bars, I'll give it a miss. 

Here a few photos taken this month, except one that was taken in Amsterdam 40 years ago, yeah the one with horses.. Decided to update today as I take time to unwind afyer a shift and have to go to bed early for the shift on 1 Jan. 

Am going through old photos with a view to doing family hisory, I seem to go up loft and bring the same photos down each time however. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Sick lakeland moaner and the nephews of Oz

November was a rubbish month, did make my 200K today, but it was a struggle.

Was ill most of the month, end of last month I was flattened by the dual Covid/Flu vaccines, then after recovering I came down with flu and a lung infection. Things got so bad I called the doctor surgery and even got an appointment same day! Was put on antibiotic and steroid, but it didn't clear my lungs, so went back again and was given another drug which did not a lot, though my lungs slowly improved days after the drugs. This blog is becoming the musings of a permanently ill old git.

Anyway, I hope next month is better, that next year is better, as am pissed off that my immune system seems to be on strike!

Oh well, at least I am still on the go, other people have more serious afflictions, my dad is not doing good at the moment, though he was better today than he was last Friday when I visited. 

My nephews Philip and Oliver I last saw on Friday, they are now on the other side of the world, in Melbourne to be exact, off for at least a year, possibly 2 years, maybe forever. Apparently you get an extra year on a one year working visa if you do farm work for x amount of time, the possibility to stay longer arises if you get an employer to sponsor you, this could lead to permanent residency. Either that or they marry some Australian bird :-) 

I spent 3 nights alone down in Ulverston last week, its a place I know well, and really I did almost nothing there, apart from supporting the hospitality industry. The one good day was the Tuesday when I walked up to the hoad monument after walking the lovely canal.

Font and set out getting my tits, so I'll post anyway, good bloody bye Novemebr.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Jeans-dodging beer hound

 Hello again!

Another month closer to the end, and the nights have started earlier, my budgies hate this time of year, as do most sane people, if I had the money it would be 6 months NZ or Oz and 6 months UK a year. Topical as my nephew Oliver is heading to Oz for at least a year at end of November.

Just back from probably the only trip to Edinburgh this month, was Ok, visited Guildford Arms, Jolly Judge and Bow Bar, then got a god awful overcrowded train back to Kinghorn, a peak time train with only two carriages, people crammed in like sardines, a fracking joke. If you didn't have covid before you probably have now.

Talking of Covid, I got my Covid and flu jabs on Friday, it affected me badly, have needed very early nights since, and how I managed to struggle through a 7 hour work shift on Saturday god alone knows, was running on empty and went straight to bed afterward. Even yesterday I wasn't right and had to go again very early to bed, getting flu or covid couldn't have felt much worse.

So what was I up to this month? Well a massive fitness month it wasn't, just made my 200K steps today and my runs have been cutailed by illness and crap weather. Got a new boiler installed on 11 October and it's been working fine since, though did have issue with a leak in hose to washing machine that has now been resolved. On the same day I heard that Bernd L, father of BP died, such a shame. Bea brought back a few vinyl LPs from his massive collection to remember him by, will miss his often political and risque messages that he regularly sent.

Was also at the interment of Wishart's mum a couple of weeks ago, we had a few afterward in spoons. Notable in his absence was Tavis who lives like a hermit now, shunning any invitation from anyone to go anywhere, and the invitations have now seemingly stopped.

I actually have noticed that I haven't worn jeans sine 5 June, I wore shorts for ages, now walking trousers, but no jeans, not even my Levis I bought in Macys in NYC, in fact that pair are hardly ever worn as they are treated almost as a memento, still I will be wearing jeans again soon for sure. 

Had an eye test a few days ago and now got two new pairs, one will be for the car, the other for the sofa. Am short sighted so don't need specs for readingor so, just long distance is a problem. No point watching a Bluray or similar without wearing them. 

Oh, well I've havered enough (disadvantage of leaving last minute update until you're tipsy). Here a couple of photos taken this month. Of course some of my German trip was in October too, was a good trip to Heidelberg and Berlin. One photo is of me in spoons at Wishart's mum wake, the lovely neighbourhood  3 legged cat Lola, and Rudi, Jutta and the mob

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Beer dodging Queen

Hello again people, am updating now as I will be away on an adventure starting tomorrow. 

I only saw the Queen once, must have been 1988 as I was driving around Dundee with 2 or 3 student pals, was stopped to let the royal car through, then we saw them driving away after visiting a company a while later. Heard about her passing as I was in the Auld Hoose, it shouldn't be a surprise when a 96 year old dies, but it was anyway, the end of an era for sure.

The media is only in the last 2 days started reporting on anything else, cheerful things like the weakening of the currency due to the incompetence of the latest PM, who was the worst choice of those who stood for the job. We will see how this all plays out.

Made my 200K already, had 2 weeks off the booze to try to lose weight, well I shifted probably 1.5 kg only, even with more running than usual, will probably have another couple of weeks off in October, will need it as a boozy week awaits abroad!

Been quite busy tidying today, cleaning floors in bathroom and kitchen too, getting a new boiler a week on Thursday so am getting prepared, also getting some parts of shower replaced as they are rusty, was only fitted 4 years ago or so. It's going to be expensive, but the economic situation means it's probably better to spend than save. 

Was also out cutting the grass earlier, maybe there will be one more cut needed this year, we will see. Photo shows me in patriotic pose on day of the Queen's funeral, also the playpark just opposite the Auld Hoose, didn't take a lot of photos this month it would seem.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Hedgehog arsed quiz winner

 Well it's the last day of August already and the month has gone fast. I was still signed off with my arm for the first couple of weeks, actually until 20 August, have been in a few times since, including late shifts on the last weekend and Monday. I know I'll have to escape the place at some point before Xmas as I will no doubt be given the shittiest shifts. 

I made my 200K target, but only made it today, too many lazy days I'm afraid with too few walk/run marathons. Weather was ok for the most part, even got round to painting shed, and had a repair done to it, also the windowsill by Stewart the handyman. 

Edinburgh was visited 3 times I think, took in a few Fringe shows, including "Are you being Murdered?" and the musical version of Making a Murderer (based on Netflix docu that is excellent). Don't think I've been so often to Edinburgh in the last few years. Prices in the pubs are a joke though, one beer in the Hanging Bat we ordered was £8.30! Nice though.

This blog is slowly becoming a list of health related afflictions, so I will not disappoint, had a major arse issue earlier in the month, I'll not go into detail, but it was like a spikey creature living up your rectum, eventually it passed, but not nice, again, no details. 

Was at a quiz at the Auld Hoose last night, won the top prize of a large steak pie which I am planning on eating in a couple of hours, not many participants to be sure, but it's funny the useless information I have stored, including all the names of the Osmonds..

Just booked a flight to Germany, will be first time in 4 years, since Franzi's Berlin wedding, amazing really as I always used to go 3 or 4 times a year. Risked booking with Bastard Air so we will see if the flight actually goes! Still, hope to visit a few friends I haven't seen in a while. 

The first photo was in my private coastal place having visited Morrison's for a few tins, the other is of Burntisland Parish Church, I got a tour of the place a couple of weeks back, was christened there. In the graveyard, mostly ancient graves, I found the resting place of a school friend I roomed with during a school trip to Austria in 1981, died aged 24. Makes you think, why worry about insignificant things or carry feuds on, we are all going in the same direction.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Smiley party person

Crivens, July almost over already! Sun is shining as I write this, has been a good month for weather for sure, and having been signed off all month, it's one that I could mostly enjoy.  Arm is getting better, even can drive again now, will go back to the vets place in a week or so. 

My smile has returned as well, though have a temporary partial denture until I decide on something permanent in a few months, the teeth look great, but it takes getting used to. I was at dentists again a few times, hopefully won't be for a wee while now.

Managed my steps target with no great problem, the usual routes. Been doing a bit of running too, just around 20 minutes though, nothing too strenuous, been a bit wary of falling again, so being careful.

Was up the farm on the 11th for my Aunt's 90th birthday, a good few people were there and it was good. Was also along at Burntisland market day, was great weather and 3 pubs were visited. 

Good news that the Harbour Bar reopened last Wednesday, so I was there just as the doors opened, it's good to have a pub selling real beer again, though Spoons isn't bad give them their due. 

Yeah, a nice month, but not much to report. Was along in Kirkcaldy to buy plywood for a shed repair today, will also paint it, probably this week as forecast is quite good. Was also going to buy a new sofa, but when I asked if they take away the old one he just said "no", a conversation stopper, so no sofa today then. 

Cut my Dad's and my grass, but mine is really needing done so will get that done tomorrow hopefully. The local pubs were visited regularly this month, won the bonus ball in Auld Hoose for first time, spent the winning very swiftly though.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Dental disasters II, Tenerife and elbow

 What a month!

Started off at the dentist (almost live there) and went a few more times after that, going again on Wednesday next week..

Went to Tenerife on 6 June, no major hold up at airport but it was a late flight and only arrived there after 10pm, I prefer to arrive somewhere so you still make something of the day. The hotel was in Los Christianos and was Ok, though had no view of pool from the balcony. The days up until Sat 11 June went well, weather great, swimming in sea, very relaxing and nice. Did a lot of walking along to Las Ameicas and further to Ajece, so making steps target was not an issue this month. Even climbed the wee mountain next to resort to get a couple of good photos. 

Things went pear shaped on the Saturday when I had a bad fall while making my way back to Los Cristianos from Las Americas, was rushed to the nearest hospital in an ambulance where it was discovered I had a displaced elbow fracture, this is not to mention the missing crowns in my mouth and other bruises and abrasions. Arm was put in cast and it put a dampner on the last few days until we flew home on 15 June. Went to A&E here, they took a couple of x-rays, sent me home, over a week later I saw a doctor at the hospital and was told they won't operate, which was a surprise as two doctors i know said they would having seen the x-rays.  My travel insurance company have been a disaster, they never get in touch and god knows if I'll get the over 1K I paid in Spain back.

My award-winning smile is currently ruined too, though I will get some sort of replacement soon, all in all a lot of stress I could have done without. Obviously I didn't make it to work last weekend, nor will I likely be going in next few weeks, elbow, thumb are much too stiff to sit and type for hours on end. Hopefully I will pick up a sick line at doctors surgery tomorrow.

Had my first wee walk along to Kirkcaldy since my return today, got train back, am pacing myself.

Anything else happen? Not much I can recall. Seems to be a family nest of seagulls just a metre or two from my garden, obviously they are clever creatures and want to be near their closest source of food, namely my inconsiderate neighbour downstairs, I fear relations are going to turn very frosty again soon.

Here are a couple of photos, why you ask the face mask? To cover the scabs and toothless horror look. The cast was removed a couple of days ago.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Dental disasters, Ireland and covid revisited

 Almost June already, goodbye May! 

Been an orally challenging month, started about 4 May with a swelling so had to go to Dentist and take course of antibiotics, later in the month my front crown fell out, at first I thought I'd swallowed it, but it turned up under the sofa, it's a long story..then, today, I was at dentist again as part of a filling had come out in last few days, it was sorted. Hopefully I'll not need

to head to dentist for a while now, still I am private and pay a certain amount each month, so all treatments were included. 

I made my steps this month, only just, but there you go. I feel I'm falling apart what with one medical or dental condition after another, it's a royal pain in the arse. 

Flew to Belfast this month, hired a car and drove the Antrim coast to Portrush, spent night there, then onwards into the Republic and the town of Dunfanaghy where my great-grandmother was born in 1861. It was a nice place, quite affluent nowadays actually, a few pubs too, which I'm not adverse to. Was in Patsy Dans on the High Street there on the Saturday to watch the Scottish Cup Final, not a hotbed of Rangers support, but a couple of good goals at the end. Talking of Rangers, they were unlucky in Seville against Frankfurt just a few days before, a couple of my nephews actually had tickets for the game.

After Dunfanaghy, it was onward to Ballymena via Giant's Causeway for last night before returning to Belfast International Airport with the car, was a good trip. I started feeling unwell in Dunfanaghy, a stinking cold I thought, was only when I returned home and did a lateral flow test that it was confirmed it was Covid (again). Even now, a week later, I'm not 100%, but a lot better. Next have to go to work on Thursday as I called sick at the weekend. 

June is almost upon us, soon it will be off to Tenerife for over a week, been watching a few vlogs on youtube to get in the mood, not been there since January 1991. Am not really one for sunshine holidays so will see how it goes..

Bloody Robbie the budgie is driving me insane today, totally loud all day, squawking away constantly.

Here is one of me at Dunfanaghy I look like a fat bastard in it, obviously just an unflattering image.  The other two are at Giant's Causeway and Dunluce Castle. 

Friday, April 29, 2022

Gouty stooped fossil

 Thought I'd update today rather than tomorrow as I might forget otherwise. As I write the sun is shining and the budgies are sitting above me on the curtain rail, for once quiet and peaceful. The end of a sober month is appraoching, yes I have not had booze all month, actually isn't too difficult, have saved money and lost a kilo or two probably, that said I'm looking forward to May. It's become a tradition, as I did similar the last two years. There are some good alcohol-free beers out there and I've been drinking a lot of tea, most unlike me. 

I made my 200K target today, it's been a tough month for steps as I got gout in my second smallest toe on the left side near start of month, had to get medication for it as I could hardly walk at all for a few days. just as that got better I developed back pain, which is a bit better now but hasn't completely gone away. I go back to nurse on 10 May for further blood test as I have to take tablets to lower uric acid levels. I must be getting old!

Had an interview- online, followed by in person-at a dog food place, I didn't get feeling I would have enjoyed it there, so I'll forget that. 

Got a pair of running shoes last week, they were shite, so took them back, spent a bit more money on a better quality pair, have done a couple of wee runs on my personal circuit up the kissing trees and they seem good. Hope to do many steps in them from Tuesday onward (am at work weekend and the Monday bank holiday).

A couple of holidays were booked this month, going over to Northern Ireland, also County Donegal to view the village where my great grandmother came from, the trip is only 4 nights, flying to Belfast and hiring car, never been to Giant's Causeway so will be sure to visit there. Also going into the sunshine in June, but I'll mention that next time. 

Photos show some geese and their kids up the loch, the piepers looking down at me, and a well dressed old guy.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Good Crieff a hermit

 The end of March, was in Edinburgh today to buy some walking trousers, well it gave me an excuse to go. I was alone so it's not really the same, visited Guildford Arms first, then the Wetherspoons on Lothian road, finally at Montys on the way to Haymarket, not exactly a monster sesh, though was in the Auld Hoose for a skinfull on the way home. 

I achieved my steps goal again, was never going to be in doubt this month, though I have been a bit of a lard arse these last few days to be true.

Did a few walk-runs as you would expect, only highlight was a few days in Crieff, a place I was first with my mum about 50 years ago, didn't stay in the hydro this time,  looks good though, so maybe will arrange a visit there soon. 

My dad turned 85 yesterday, went along with a chocolate pressie, he is doing OK all things considered, had cut his grass, and mine, a couple of days before. 

Another trip to Kirkcaldy brought a sighting of the long lost hermit-like Tavis, who,

legend has it, used to drink in pubs at one time, we'll see if  there will be a resurrection. Also I took a photo of my mum's childhood home.

My thoughts really are turning to trips abroad now, it's been too long..

Monday, February 28, 2022

Cocktail film pussies

Went a short walk up the loch today in order to reach the 200K target, then had a couple of pints in Auld Hoose to celebrate. 

It's been another uneventful month for me personally, though not if you're Ukrainian. 
Went to Edinburgh a couple of times in the last few days, once to watch the new "Death on the Nile" film and the next time to watch Belfast. I would recommend Belfast, a very human story, but not so much the other as the original film with Peter Ustinov filmed in 1977 with quite a few major stars was far superior. 

Life at least is becoming normal, mask still required when entering shops/pubs, but that will soon change, bringing us into line with England who already have abolished restrictions. 

Canne place the photos, but who cares?  Driving me bloody insane, used to be easy. The cats are up the farm, cute wee things who haven't been out yet. The one of me shows a Kinghorn Queen cocktail, a quite lethal brew..

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Pre-senile old git

It's not yet the end of the month, I am not yet a year older, but I write this now as I will probably be partying too much south of the border to update there. If you count having a meal and 3 or 4 weak English beers partying..

Heading down to Cumbria tomorrow for 4 nights, will be nice to do some walking (still need 40K before end of the month) and chill.

I was quite ill from about 3 Jan for 3 or 4 days, could not eat or drink anything, most unlike me. However I recovered and all is well now. 

I know I write this chiefly for myself, but sorry, what else do I have to report? Not much, been one of those non-eventful months, didn't even take a lot of photos.

My dad had some bad health news, but I hope he battles on for a while yet.

Think these are the only 2 photos I took this month, shows you that not much was up.

Saturday, January 01, 2022

Fucking forgot

 Well I forgot, no excuses, it's just the way it is. Was soberish yesterday too as I had the alarm set for 5am  so I could get to the vets paradise without hetzing.

Made the 200K on the 30th, involved going out and getting soaked a couple of times, but such is life in this neck of the woods. 

Stasi the budgie was at vets for a swelling on her back at start of month, she seems more or less normal now, the budgies must be about 9 years old, got them around June 2013. Robbie the male is still loud as hell, gets on your tits right enough, but used to it. They prefer the summer, but then who doesn't?

Went to bed early last night, was awoken by a huge round of fireworks going off, not great if you've pets or are working early. 

Was at Kath's for a trivial pursuit afternoon a couple of days back, I won, but the questions were about 30 years old, Philip didn't even know what an LP was, well why would he? 

Applied for a couple of jobs and was offered one at Royal London in Edinburgh, however if you advertise the job at Xk a year you don't offer the successful applicant X-7.5 then X-5 after he first refused. Would take more than that to get me to central Edinburgh so turned it down. 

Here a couple of pics from this month, didn't take many, have a good new year!

A rainbow near the Kissing Trees, a start point for my wee runs into Kirkcaldy, also one of me at Grassmarket in Edinburgh, a really shit visit with all pubs full and no entry allowed.