Thursday, January 27, 2022

Pre-senile old git

It's not yet the end of the month, I am not yet a year older, but I write this now as I will probably be partying too much south of the border to update there. If you count having a meal and 3 or 4 weak English beers partying..

Heading down to Cumbria tomorrow for 4 nights, will be nice to do some walking (still need 40K before end of the month) and chill.

I was quite ill from about 3 Jan for 3 or 4 days, could not eat or drink anything, most unlike me. However I recovered and all is well now. 

I know I write this chiefly for myself, but sorry, what else do I have to report? Not much, been one of those non-eventful months, didn't even take a lot of photos.

My dad had some bad health news, but I hope he battles on for a while yet.

Think these are the only 2 photos I took this month, shows you that not much was up.

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