Friday, January 26, 2007

Ich bin's wieder

Yeah, I know it's been a long time but it's been one of those months, not boring you understand, it's just been..oh whatever. Anyway, I had a bad day at work, got totally stressed and needed to chill. I went along to the Harbour Bar (one of the few bars where I bring the average age down a decade or two by entering) and had two or three pints with a couple of old chinas of mine. Being in a money saving mood I walked back from there to here- only took an hour or so and I needed to burn a few calories after the chinese I had earlier.

Am off from work for over a week now, I'll let you know how I spent it. This picture has nothing to do with what I've just been writing (I left the digital camera at home), still it should be appreciated by a couple of people I know.. Well, I'd consider going to places like Naples more if I understood the lingo. Restoring the borders of 1228 would make foreign travel so much better.. only one language to learn..

1 comment:

morganovic said...

Alan, surely this map isn't right, Germans and Italians sharing the same nationality? You want to be a German don't you Alan? You're filled with envy.