Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Have felt really ill for a couple of days now, not that it stopped me going to work today. Luckily we got away earlier than usual and I could stock up with anti-flu products at the local shop . I always find beer and whisky are the best medicine, or maybe you just forget you're ill after a while? Am a bit sad that I'm at the same point this year-in every aspect of my life-as I was last year..but, at least I know how to improve things in 2008! The photo? Well, the Likely Lads remind me of a friend or two..i'd be the Terry character, charismatic and usually in the pub..Bob? Well, there are a few out there..those too young won't remember them at all.. :-(

Why is it that many of these updates/photos are taken in drinking situations? It is a mystery that I've been thinking about for a while. Perhaps this isn't the day to change things.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Another year gone..

It gets quicker every year too, aye I might not look it but I'm getting auld so I am! Not updated for a while because I really couldn't be bothered, I went to Germany a week or so ago, hung around the christmas markets drinking mulled wine and hot mead, was lovely. I'm not much into Christmas day but I do like the candles, the food, the drink..and the more drink! Don't have much time off work though, it's back to work on Boxing day, yippee! What do you call a blind reindeer by the way? No idea(r).......

It certainly has been an interesting year, finished by German course, managed to get a distinction too, am now thinking of all the lovely places I could visit next year, it's time to to seek out new life and new civilisations; to boldly go where no man has gone before..

Photo shows Clemens and I in brilliant drinking form in Kirkcaldy during his recent visit to bonnie Fife. Tavis -who took the photo- apologised profusely to Clemens for the hideous war crimes committed by his family during the war. Not that he gave Clemens any of the stolen items to take back home with him.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bloody hell..

I knew it had been a while since I updated this but so long?? I can only apologise to my devoted reader. What has happened since last time? Well, too much to write here right now. Let's just say that Hollywood beckons and my...oh, ok..everything is much the same. Was in Germany last week at the Stuttgart Volksfest. The photos show me in magnificent drinking form. During my trip I didn't bump into ex-Luftwaffe ace Adolf Galland, perhaps because he died more than a decade ago (one of my readers will appreciate the photo though!).

Friday, July 13, 2007

Dr No-Verybonniefeet


Dropped in at the old folks in bonnie Burntisland after work, the tidal wave of excitement this engendered can be seen in this photo of Ronald Mitchell Smith Esq. He even had the audacity to allege he was a better table tennis player than me, ha ha, bring out the bats Dr Mengele-Smyth..

Friday, June 15, 2007

A year in the life..

..of me, and it makes me feel bloody old, looking at what I've written over the last year I also have done myself no favours. My year long experiment is now over (or is it? time will tell), in the meantime, here is a stunning doggie.

Monday, June 11, 2007

A rare sight indeed.

Miracles do happen you know, this picture shows Tavis actually up buying a round in the Cellar Bar in St Andrews on Saturday! The bar promised a wide range of European beers on it's website but unfortunately the Bamberg smoked beer was not available. To get to St Andrews, Tav and I walked for hours from Crail, the other photo shows Tavis being charismatic on a big rock, the ancient old git celebrates his 40th (Forty!) tomorrow! Ha haaaaa. As if to prove his senility he missed the bus back home that I was on. You have to make allowances for age I suppose..
Blog is a year old now, amazing how quick time flies when you're young and stunning like me..

Friday, May 25, 2007


Just finished doing some homework for my German Open University course, it's pretty rarely I do that so I thought I'd let you all know. As for photos, I think toilets are today's theme, have a look at what Portugal and a bar in Stuttgart have to offer..

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Oh dearie me

This is a cautionary tale for every country and every generation, the story of what happens when an otherwise civilised and cultured drinking establishment surrenders it's credibility by serving, not only lager, but 12 year old single Islay malt whisky to an amateur from Kirkcaldy by the name of Tavis.

Note his inability to even look in the general direction of the camera as he ogles the talent of Lower Largo disappearing into the distance. Hardly surprising judging by the stain on his trousers! Oh the glory of it all!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Some recent photos

Some lovely photos of Kirkcaldy, my youngest nephew and my back garden- before I cut the grass earlier on. Stunning eh?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

All blogged out?

Someone I met last year said of this blog "yeah, it's alright, in fact it's quite funny (it was maybe in August 06 sometime, anyway a while ago) but why do you have one"?

Unless one or two of my loyal readers can provide a reason to continue, I'll maybe stop torturing you all with the joyfulness of my many adventures. I can hardly spill the beans on my Errol Flynnesque adventures without the encouragement of my fanbase! Obviously the picture has nothing to do with what I've written..who cares?

I was 8 then, the other is Seafield Tower just along the coast from me. Walked past it today on my way to get a much needed haircut in Kirkcaldy. Please note the highly professional shadow of the photo taker!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Historical places

I've always wanted to visit Dallas. Why? Well, I was a fan of the TV series (oh the shame of admitting it- those visits to US Soap fan anonymous have obviously paid off) but that wasn't the reason really. It was more to do with seeing the scene of the JFK assassination, scenes of great historical events have always been fascinating to me. I've been to a few places here in Scotland, and the rest of the UK for that matter, but history seems to occur in other countries too..

This photo, taken last August shows me - no, not having a pee, nor anything else (my eyes were closed due to the sun!) - in the exact location of the Berlin Führerbunker. This was exactly the place where Adolf and Eva were set alight.

Monday, February 05, 2007


Just back from a week on the Algarve. I also celebrated my umpteenth 21st birthday while there. Weather was very warm most of the time, the local beer was very good and the food was great.

Now I'm back in dreichland and not feeling too cheerful about it. Arrived back yesterday after our aircraft made an unscheduled stop in Brest to let a very ill traveler off the plane (luckily it wasn't the pilot). I mean, if someone had told me I'd be seeing plenty of "brest" on my holidays I'd be over the moon. Still, as this photo proves, I saw plenty of something else!! :-)

Friday, January 26, 2007

Ich bin's wieder

Yeah, I know it's been a long time but it's been one of those months, not boring you understand, it's just been..oh whatever. Anyway, I had a bad day at work, got totally stressed and needed to chill. I went along to the Harbour Bar (one of the few bars where I bring the average age down a decade or two by entering) and had two or three pints with a couple of old chinas of mine. Being in a money saving mood I walked back from there to here- only took an hour or so and I needed to burn a few calories after the chinese I had earlier.

Am off from work for over a week now, I'll let you know how I spent it. This picture has nothing to do with what I've just been writing (I left the digital camera at home), still it should be appreciated by a couple of people I know.. Well, I'd consider going to places like Naples more if I understood the lingo. Restoring the borders of 1228 would make foreign travel so much better.. only one language to learn..

Friday, January 05, 2007

2007? Already?

Hope you all had a good new year.

I posted something here in the early hours of New Year's day I think..but on sober reflection I removed it. God knows why considering the embarrasing updates I've posted over the last few months! So I guess my New Year's resolution is to publish and be damned, I only write truth or semi-truth anyway and everyone thinks I'm great..

Had only a couple of days off during the Xmas period so I'm not half glad the rest of you malingering bstards will be going back to the grind too! Then again, I know one or two people who have never worked- a few colleagues for instance.. Maybe I should marry someone rich and lead a life of luxury, I made a bad decision dumping Athena Onassis, think I'll maybe give her a second chance.

The photo shows my hardworking sister Kath, Philip and Rhys. The boys seem unconcerned that their chimney sweeping duties await!! ha haaa