Thursday, January 27, 2022

Pre-senile old git

It's not yet the end of the month, I am not yet a year older, but I write this now as I will probably be partying too much south of the border to update there. If you count having a meal and 3 or 4 weak English beers partying..

Heading down to Cumbria tomorrow for 4 nights, will be nice to do some walking (still need 40K before end of the month) and chill.

I was quite ill from about 3 Jan for 3 or 4 days, could not eat or drink anything, most unlike me. However I recovered and all is well now. 

I know I write this chiefly for myself, but sorry, what else do I have to report? Not much, been one of those non-eventful months, didn't even take a lot of photos.

My dad had some bad health news, but I hope he battles on for a while yet.

Think these are the only 2 photos I took this month, shows you that not much was up.

Saturday, January 01, 2022

Fucking forgot

 Well I forgot, no excuses, it's just the way it is. Was soberish yesterday too as I had the alarm set for 5am  so I could get to the vets paradise without hetzing.

Made the 200K on the 30th, involved going out and getting soaked a couple of times, but such is life in this neck of the woods. 

Stasi the budgie was at vets for a swelling on her back at start of month, she seems more or less normal now, the budgies must be about 9 years old, got them around June 2013. Robbie the male is still loud as hell, gets on your tits right enough, but used to it. They prefer the summer, but then who doesn't?

Went to bed early last night, was awoken by a huge round of fireworks going off, not great if you've pets or are working early. 

Was at Kath's for a trivial pursuit afternoon a couple of days back, I won, but the questions were about 30 years old, Philip didn't even know what an LP was, well why would he? 

Applied for a couple of jobs and was offered one at Royal London in Edinburgh, however if you advertise the job at Xk a year you don't offer the successful applicant X-7.5 then X-5 after he first refused. Would take more than that to get me to central Edinburgh so turned it down. 

Here a couple of pics from this month, didn't take many, have a good new year!

A rainbow near the Kissing Trees, a start point for my wee runs into Kirkcaldy, also one of me at Grassmarket in Edinburgh, a really shit visit with all pubs full and no entry allowed.