Thursday, February 28, 2019

Bristol, Bath and ailments

Well, the shortest month is almost over, not that it seemed short.

Month started down south in Bristol, also visited Bath, was first time I had been to either place and was a nice trip. The last few days of the month have been mild, but there was snow aplenty down there, especially in Bath. Visited the usual things while down there- the Clifton Suspension Bridge, designed by Kingdom-Brunel is impressive as were the roman baths in, er, Bath, or Aquae Sulis as the Romans called it.  Stayed 3 nights in a Hilton down there, visited a few pubs of course, even a cat-themed one- basically a pub stuffed full of cats, they were everywhere. Plenty of walking was done, which helped get me off to a good start to the month. This was just as well as I was ill again for a lot of the month with flu-like symptoms again and a back seizure meaning I could hardly move for a wee while. Maybe I should rename this blog "Alan's ailments" as I seem to be describing nothing else!

Walked many times along coast again this month, sometimes to Morrisons, sometimes into central Kirkcaldy. On one of these walks I went into Marks and Spencer on the High Street to buy some trousers, I'll not be doing that again there as the shop closed after 80 years the day after I bought them. Spent much time in the shop over the years as it was my mum's favourite port of call. Seems Kirkcaldy High Street is dying out, Dunfermline seems to have far more shops. There are plans to spend a lot on the promenade now, but it's probably a waste of money, basically everything should be flattened and then rebuilt!

Work is very quiet, with not much money being made, obviously Brexit playing a role. Hopefully things will be resolved one way or the other soon, but who can tell? I try to avoid the news now as I am just so bored with politicians.

Visited my dad today after work, he actually looks healthy enough all things considered and is keeping himself busy with this and that. I usually cut his grass, but no need just yet, unlike my own garden that already looks like it needs cutting.

Am chilling at home now, am glad that I have the next 3 days off, a good feeling!

Here are a few photos taken this month..

Oh, also booked a week away in England for April and a cruise for later in the year, some might think I am a spendthrift...

I -just-made the 200000 steps, I know you would just have to know!

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