Sunday, December 29, 2019

Canvas no more!

Didn't balls up the interview because I turned up to find the interview had been cancelled, the HR person even printed out the email that she had sent me, though there was a mistake in the address so I hadn't received it obviously.

Next day at my work, wearing a festive xmas jumper, I and everyone else were called into meetings- things were going to change at the behest of the french owners- and some of us are being made redundant. Many of the agents had the choice to remain under new contracts, all but 2 have chosen to go. Lesley and I, the team leads, are also choosing to go, though some staff, including Lesley will stay on into the chaotic month of January.

Been at work this weekend, the last for me at Canvas, and am in tomorrow and Tuesday, then I can think about the future and losing the 5kg I need to. Yes, my challenge is to get back into the gym going thing and stop being a bloater. Less stress will certainly help, as will the 4 months pay I have received.

What else happened?  Well, I have made my 200K steps target today, helped in part by a long almost 4 hour walk along to Leven, spent the night there in the Caledonian Hotel, then walked back again, well, almost, was pissing down, so bus was taken from Kirkcaldy to here :-).

Also went to the panto Jack and the Beanstalk at the Adam Smith Theatre, was good, this panto thing has become a bit of a tradition with us.

A new year approaches and-not for the first time- I say the years just fly by, maybe that is because you are not doing what makes you happy, those that have jobs they love are to be envied.

Anyway a lot of change ahead, all the best dear reader!

Here a few is form the mysterious Wemyss Castle (checked spelling) that I would like a tour of , where Mary Queen of Scots first met Lord Darnley after being introduced by me in 1565, would like to see if things have changed.. this was taken on the walk from Kinghorn to Leven. The other photos are from the panto and from the entrance to Balwearie High School- first time I passed there in 30 odd years, nothing had changed.

 See you on the other side..

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Almost forgot..

Here I am at the end of another month, was at work today, must admit I almost forgot this, not that I have an incredible amount to say.

Month started off with the spooky walk through Kinghorn (even though it was after halloween), and it was a struggle really to met my steps target- that I did, but only just.

Feelings about leaving my job have dominated my thinking this month, and of course several before, I think you get to the point that you just have to do it. Anyway, have interview on Wednesday with a company just over the road, though I might balls it up so there you go.

Ulverston was, of course, visited again, it's a tradition. Might have to move there if the Snazis have their way..f*** the SNP.

The new photo is me at the end of the canal.

Did I mention I hate my job?

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Med exploring man flu victim

Unlike last month when I hardly took a photo, this month I am spoiled for choice. It's been a month when many new places were vistited, and I had a lot of days off.

Headed to Southampton early in the month, spent night in the Flying Dutchaman before catching the Ventura for a 14 night cruise of the Med.

Went to Cadiz, Barcelona, Pisa, Rome, Cartagena and Gibraltar. Was very nice, and the time went very quickly! Was actually quite disciplined, was not up too late most nights, as my lack of energy meant early nights. Even the 80-odd year olds we met at dinner were up later than me! It's an issue, but not one I want to dwell on now, I just don't sleep very well.

Anyway, the places we visited I had never been to, bar Gibraltar, so it was very interesting, weather was kind too.

Before I knew it, was back and going to work, but only for a few days, then I got ill and have been off work all this week, the dreaded lurgy got me, and it went to the lungs so I have antibiotics to take, will go back to work on Saturday. As for work, it's not looking good, many people leaving, including the Dutch and Germans, I myself have decided to go, even applied for a job, though I was obviously overqualified. Got to get out sometime though!

Seeing as the month was quite active I might have been expected to write more, but I am not inspired at the moment. Met my steps target (the gym on the ship helped) easily. Doing the spooky walk on Saturday, it's been a while, hope it's good!

I see there will be an election soon, no doubt I will see plenty of flag-waving, face-painted Anglophobes out and about for the next few weeks..

Here a few photos- of Barcelona (me waving), Rome, Pisa and Gibraltar, you would never guess which was which! Also one of me in a smart suit, a rare sight, suitable for Halloween..!

Monday, September 30, 2019

Lampless holiday seeker

Just what have I done this month? Not much it would seem, only took a couple of photos during my wanderings around Kinghorn in my successful quest to meet my steps target. Actually I think the fitbit had a bit of a glitch and awarded me 50K more steps than I did, but apart from the last week I did walk quite regularly. As mentioned I walked a lot aroung the Loch, less so to Kirkcaldy, and a lot between Inverkeithing and Rosyth.

Think I went to Edinburgh once this month, also a trip to central Dunfermline to buy stuff for the holiday that's due to stsrt very soon. Ah yes, the holiday, I can't wait to get away for a couple of weeks, will be going to a few places I've never been to, including Barcelona and Rome. It all kicks off this coming weekend, bring it on.

Still have two lamps in the bathroom out, seems impossible to find a replacement and the guy who did bathroom is a twat who does not reply to any communication, will sort something out hopefully soon, otherwise it will be showering by candlelight..

Will be good to get away from my workplace, this month has been bearable as we have not been so busy, but I really am thinking about applying for a another, any, job. Seems a few at work feel the same as Kara has just left and Martina has just resigned. I can think about things in the coming weeks, but finally the penny has dropped, it's going to be a nightmare, especially for a supervisor from the new year.

Ok, have a glass of red wine to drink so I'll sign off here. Well done to BePo for going the whole month booze-free, it's been hell..for me.

One photo is of Kinghorn Loch on a regular morning stroll (for steps!) when on backshift, was a lovely day. The other is of the seals on a walk along to Kirkcaldy, not such a nice day then.

See you in October!

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Last of the summer whine

What a crap summer for weather it has been!

The last day in August and just back from Edinburgh, instead of pub to pub it was shop to shop to buy exciting things like knickers and walking trousers etc. Had meant to go last weekend, but train was so packed with rugby and festival goers that we got off in Aberdour and had a couple of drinks and a meal there.

Month started off down in Yorkshire, in Holmfirth, setting for the BBC comedy series Last of the Summer Wine, the drive down was in torrential rain, spray on the motorway was everywhere and it rained the whole week, bar about one day, still it was a good trip and even went to Huddersfield a couple of times to attend the food and drink festival near the station, was good. Obviously a few sites made famous by the comedy series were visited, including Sid's Cafe and the graves of the actors who played Compo and Clegg. Did do a bit of walking between rain showers and the best pub- The Nook- was visited several times.The way back north lasted hours longer than itg should have, the M6 was closed between junction 36 and 39 due to some arse driving the wrong way down the road! The sat nav sent us-and thousands of other cars- down country lanes, took ages to get home.

Work has been stressful, but we are now coming to the end of high season, please shoot me if I have not left the company before another high season arrives, life is too short really. The new office is good however and I get quite a few steps walking in from Inverkeithing station when on backshift, there's even a new Gregg's to visit when on early shift, so that part is OK.

Managed to cut the whole grass, also my father's, for the first time since early July the other day, it's been raining most days afterall, raining so heavily that the coastal path to Kirkcaldy was closed, hence I've not been that way for seemingly ages, most unusual for me, still my walking circuit up the loch and golf course kept me on target.

A letter arrived from from a certain very young lady called Levinia today, strange experience these days, when's the last time someone brought you news via letter? Life has indeed changed a lot in the last 15 years or so, am getting old. I was a late convert to smart phones and the apps etc, but now going around without access to the internet? No thanks. Crivens, going in to a new pub the first thing i tend to do is try to access the wi-fi! Been getting more addicted than ever to games on the tablet too- has been June's Journey and Song Pop 2 for ages now, but noew Townville has hooked me! Will be glad to have a digital detox for a couple of weeks in October (will let you know).

Here a few photos, Nora Batty's steps in a couple (those of a certain age will know), a nice view of Holmfirth fromthe cottage and a stream I walked along on a walk on the last day. The stunning cleavage was at the food and drink festival in Huddersfield, we even met a former footballer there who assured us he was well known in the area.

Friday, July 26, 2019

A mad rushed horny mystery

I might get round to updating before end of month, but I'm off down south for a week tomorrow and I probably will get all in a tiz about passwords etc.

July is normally my favourite month- there is Wimbledon, the British Open golf etc, and that's all good, though I was ill with the man flu for a good few days in the middle of this month. I never complain though, I just battle on.

Just had a chinese from the local shop here in Kinghorn and it was rank, last time I go there, there has been a change in ownership and standards it would seem. Hopefully not got myself another food poisoning to rival the one I had at this time last year!

Other than walking the usual stretches- smashing the 200000 steps barrier yet again- it's not been a month when I got up to too much.

Mention must be made of former PKI colleague Ann Boonen who died last year, I only found out via her Facebook page yesterday morning, she was a rare woman, one that not only understood, but seemed to like my humour :-(   rip

Been watching a lot of DVDs, one of the reasons is the place we are going to, the setting for a long-running comedy. Anyway, it's humid as bloody hell in here, so that's the update for now.

A photo of me at the beach with my favourite lovely hat, a couple of  horny highland cows, and a mysterious ruin on the back route between Kinghorn and Kirkcaldy, taken on one of new walking circuits. Wonder what history these walls witnessed..

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Bonus dog walker

Last day of June and the nights are fair drawing in..

Been a pretty stressful month at my beloved workplace, the place I've been moaning about for years on this platform, god knows why I haven't done something about it as tomorrow is the start of another week in hell for your friendly neighbourhood supervisor!

Having an early night tonight, been overdoing things in an effort to releave stress, which isn't always a good idea. At least I managed the step target yet again, though it took me until yesterday to do so. This was due to a lot of wanderings along coast and a circuit up the loch and the Binn that i've taken to doing. Been a few nice mornings recently so it's a good start to the day on days I'm starting later at work.

Will probably have to think about updating a day or two before month ends as I always forget stuff if leaving to last minute.

Been in the Crown as much as Auld Hoose this month as the Crown makes an effort. On Friday I walked from my workplace to Hillend Tavern, then got picked up and dropped off at the Crown, a few drinks before tea became a few drinks instead of tea, so suffered a bit the next day. Still, won the bonus ball in the Crown a week ago- £59- so not bad. The Auld hoose has a closed shop bonus ball so another reason I'm going off the place.

Walked Kath's dogs twice this month to Aberdour, both days were great weather, Ember is so much smarter than Shadow!

Here a few photos taken this month..the Black Rock Five running race starts near my front door..

Friday, May 31, 2019

Loch wanderer

Almost forgot this update, am tired after working last 6 days, and am in again tomorrow. Have Sunday off, but have to get up very early anyway to run a certain someone to the airport. Car is due it's service/MOT on Monday, but am unsure if the garage will pick car up as arranged, we'll see.

Am working Monday to Friday next week on early shift, then a 3 day weekend that I am certainly in need of.

Been an unremarkable month, made my steps target again, but less so by walking coast to Kirkcaldy, went different places like Kinghorn Loch and a circuit up near the Binn. Also walked a lot from Inverkeithing station to my new office near Rosyth station, the office is not bad really, but there are no shops nearby, better for driving home at night though and handy for trains.

Didn't realy go anywhere that I can remember this month, been heading more often to the Crown rather than the Auld Hoose recently, chiefly because the Crown makes more effort with the beer they sell, was there today too for a couple where I met Davie Baxter and his wife.

Stuffed myself with a chinese, so feeling a bit tired now, won't stay up long as I get up around 6 tomorrow.

Maybe I'll have more to report next month!

Photos show the Kissing Trees, some geese at the loch and Davie in usual pose.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Whitby and dog walkies

Well, that's April almost over then, started the month down in North Yorkshire in the nice wee town of Whitby, famous for it's fish n chips, ice cream and connections to Dracula and Captain Cook. Was nice, walked to Robin Hood's Bay one day and on another I walked alone to Staithes, a good 4 hours or so, for a well-earned meal in the Cod and Lobster pub.

There were plenty of pubs down there, so enjoyed myself, also managed a trip to Scarbourgh and visited the castle there, don't think I'd been there since a tiny baby of course..

It's always the case though that a week off work flies by, so before we knew it it was back to the train back home (which took quite a while by the way).

The weekend after I got Shadow and Ember to look after for a couple of days, they dragged me to Aberdour and over the Binn etc, was nice to have them. Have looked after Ember before, but not the two of them together.

Worked the weekend after that, which typically was the warmest weekend of the year, hate working weekends. Less than 2 weeks until we move office, so we'll see what disaters develop..

Walked quite a lot this month so got to about 250,000 steps, which is reasonable, even went one run-around Kinghorn, but that was it, still a bit lazy.

One of the last walks along the coast was last Friday, when I went to the barber and had my strands cut by Pete who first cut my hair back in the aforementioned 1977. He is retiring for good after all these years, hard to believe he won't be in the shop anymore, we've been through thick and Anyway I took a photo to mark the occassion.

 Pictures show me with Whitby in background, the town of Staithes at the end of a long walk, the dogs on their way to Aberdour, and Pete the barber.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

PC-less station walker

Yet another month almost gone, updating now because am off down to Yorkshire today for a few days, a break I feel i need. Am very tired today as was out at the theatre yesterday and am not used to late nights, think I almost feel asleep during the performance, but managed just about to hold it together.

Not been up to much this month to be honest, am still obsessed at reaching steps target and I managed it again no problem this month. This is part due to my travelling more often by train when on backshift-meaning that sometimes I am walking from Inverkeithing station to Dalgety Bay station via the Hillend Tavern more often. It's a good way to get steps and a nice pint or two, so a good combination. Have been walking also quite a lot between Inverkeithing and Rosyth stations, takes about 30 mins, I often pick the car up from there and continue on to my Dunermline workplace. This workplace is moving soon to very near Rosyth station so a bonus for me, provided I stay at the work, i foresee a bit of a disasterous season ahead for us.

Not taken many photos this month- two to be exact so far. One shows a nice pint of East Coast IPA in the Hillend Tavern, the other my garden after I cut the grass for the first time this year. The ivy on the right really need cut back.

Oh well, still some packing to do! Lots of walking and English ale awaits!! Just back from delivering a birthday card to my dad, who turns 82 today.

Oh and my desktop PC suddenly stopped working, I have a new one arriving in the coming days though, need to get back into PC games rather than always playing on the tablet.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Bristol, Bath and ailments

Well, the shortest month is almost over, not that it seemed short.

Month started down south in Bristol, also visited Bath, was first time I had been to either place and was a nice trip. The last few days of the month have been mild, but there was snow aplenty down there, especially in Bath. Visited the usual things while down there- the Clifton Suspension Bridge, designed by Kingdom-Brunel is impressive as were the roman baths in, er, Bath, or Aquae Sulis as the Romans called it.  Stayed 3 nights in a Hilton down there, visited a few pubs of course, even a cat-themed one- basically a pub stuffed full of cats, they were everywhere. Plenty of walking was done, which helped get me off to a good start to the month. This was just as well as I was ill again for a lot of the month with flu-like symptoms again and a back seizure meaning I could hardly move for a wee while. Maybe I should rename this blog "Alan's ailments" as I seem to be describing nothing else!

Walked many times along coast again this month, sometimes to Morrisons, sometimes into central Kirkcaldy. On one of these walks I went into Marks and Spencer on the High Street to buy some trousers, I'll not be doing that again there as the shop closed after 80 years the day after I bought them. Spent much time in the shop over the years as it was my mum's favourite port of call. Seems Kirkcaldy High Street is dying out, Dunfermline seems to have far more shops. There are plans to spend a lot on the promenade now, but it's probably a waste of money, basically everything should be flattened and then rebuilt!

Work is very quiet, with not much money being made, obviously Brexit playing a role. Hopefully things will be resolved one way or the other soon, but who can tell? I try to avoid the news now as I am just so bored with politicians.

Visited my dad today after work, he actually looks healthy enough all things considered and is keeping himself busy with this and that. I usually cut his grass, but no need just yet, unlike my own garden that already looks like it needs cutting.

Am chilling at home now, am glad that I have the next 3 days off, a good feeling!

Here are a few photos taken this month..

Oh, also booked a week away in England for April and a cruise for later in the year, some might think I am a spendthrift...

I -just-made the 200000 steps, I know you would just have to know!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Runny-nosed Morrisons stalker

That's January almost finished in my speedy dash to old age and retirement. It's been a month that started with the Loony Dook down the beach near me, no I didn't take part, are you mad? However, I know someone that did!

My ever increasing obsession with steps after getting the fit-bit has shown no signs of going away, my routine when on backshift involves walking along to Morrisons then back again before going to work, am even usually in the store before you can legally buy booze! Yeah, me! Have done this about 10 times this month and I reached my steps target no problem.

Feeling a bit fragile today as it was my birthday yesterday, getting more than tipsy when you've to get up for work at 6am is not to be recommended, have vague memories of my sister (the younger one, as the older one doesn't speak to me)  arriving with a bottle of wine, not that I needed any extra lubrication at that stage, but it was my birthday after all. Anyway, survived the day at work and am now looking forward to a few days off, heading done to England, the details I will provide next time.

Honestly, not much happened this month it seems, was off sick from work for a couple of days in middle of month, the dreaded lurgy got me. If truth be told I've not been 100% since about Xmas eve and my nose is running since then. At least my nose is-as I haven't been, the lazy lard arse I've been.
Oh well, let the trip commence, an early start tomorrow and it will be -4 degrees overnight, will have to get the car engine running a few mins before departure.

Here are 3 photos taken this month-not taken many to be honest- one is visitors from Manchester area in the pub, the next my budgies sitting on the kitchen door, they love doing that (and kacking onto the floor) and the other is me yesterday, yeah, I've no idea either.