Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy New Year!

It is getting seriously scary that the year goes so quick! At least there is no ice and snow this time, not yet anyway. Have these days off, was at work last Thursday when they told us just to take time off until 4 January, not bad. First time I've had every day off between Christmas and new year for as long as I can remember. Not that I've been doing much, the wind and rain has curtailed my walking, though did spend Xmas day at younger sisters and Boxing Day at my older sisters - both great meals too!

Walked to Leven, a four hour walk about 3 weeks ago, also had a nice festive meal at the Hawes Inn in South Queensferry - directly under the Forth Bridge. Had an interview at Fife Council but, being public sector, the odds were against me as I had no relations already working for them, no big deal anyway.

No big plans for new year, though I'll not venture far from home due to the lack of public transport. Plan a trip to Edinburgh on Friday, found a wee shop selling the rarest German beer, a must for a connoisseur like me :-) Have a good one people!!

Her a couple of recent pics, one featuring me in an East German top! Oh the controversy!

Monday, November 28, 2011

All change

November is usually a pretty mundane month, you just want it over so the Christmas festivities can begin, though it was a busy month for me to be sure. Had a couple of interviews and landed myself a job at Morphsuits, those all body Lycra suits that are seemingly becoming popular, though I haven't tried one on yet! Was also at another interview on Friday, and there may be another in the pipeline. I'm sure I'll have more info in the next update.

New car is running fine now that the problem with the wheels deflating has been solved, makes a change driving about 4 miles to work, was a 50 mile round trip before. What else have I been up to? Well, went to bonfire night in Burntisland on 5 November and have done a couple of long walks along the coast recently. Plan another on Wednesday as I have another day off then. Also went to Edinburgh by train a couple of times, the last visit was on Saturday and included a visit to the German Market there, the warm mulled beer was tasty but expensive..though not as expensive as the couple of malt whiskies I bought..and of course, mulled wine is a must. It keeps the cold away in these long winter nights. Here are a couple of photos.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


I hate it when I forget to update every month, even if I've nothing to say, which can't be said of October! I went up north for a week of relaxation in Gardenstown near Banff, was good to be in an area I had hardly seen before. The majority may be strictly religious but that didn't spoil my fun - unless you count the only pub in town being closed on a Tuesday, for god knows what reason. Visited the Glenfarclas distillery and various coastal towns, was nice.

After my trip I spent the last 3 weeks at my workplace in Edinburgh, most magnificently, my erstwhile employers grudgingly agreed to pay to those of us being made redundant, the legal minimum - a most marvelous "thank you" for 13 years service, but I guess that's how American-owned companies operate.

What else? Well, I went on a spooky walk here in Kinghorn in aid of the local lifeboat station - was very well done, I almost crapped myself when a ghoul got out of a "grave" in the churchyard!

Been to gym today, must keep active or this job interlude could make me a slob!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Germanic induced amnesia?

Hello people! Bet you'd thought I'd forgotten this month's thrilling update? No! Though It wouldn't have been a surprise after the very recent visit of Clemens. Yes, just a few weeks after Oliver, Clemens arrived, armed with a litre bottle of Glenlivet 15 year old malt whisky. Of course, the bottle was on death row with us-and Tavis- about! But at least it didn't have to wait long to go. Apart from that bottle, several pints were downed in Kirkcaldy, Kinghorn, Burntisland, get the picture. Still, what are holidays for apart from enjoying yourself? Going for a few days up the highlands tomorrow actually - fresh air, walking, thinking, chilling, yeah ok, drinking. Will take my mind off the upcoming turmoil in my working life. We have been given an end date at the firm of 28 October, so only a few weeks until my 13 year service at America's finest (note the sarcasm) company comes to the end!!

Here a couple of photos - of Clemens and Tavis in top drinking form, of a group of lovely seals here in the Firth of Forth, and of Arja my colleague, who has already left the sinking ship and had her last day last week, with yours truly (was mucking about with the effects on that one, couldn't make myself pretty though..). Bis zum nächsten Mal!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Teutonic visitation

I had written a long entry only for it to disappear forever for no reason, my patience is running thin with this thing, as this has happened before. In a nutshell: Have been told I'm being made redundant by our most admirable director, have had German visitors - Oliver and Joe - and have been up the highlands to Glencoe and Kinlochleven with them. Did a lot of walking! Here a few photos of the last few shows Oliver lost in his own thoughts as he walks the sands of Fife, then another of him under the Forth rail bridge after successfully buying the round. The other photos show BP walking the same stretch a week or so before while tide was in, also a view of Loch Leven in the highlands by Kinlochleven.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Bye bye July

Have been off work these last couple of days- ironically getting fever and man flu just as the weather turned gorgeous. Even now, as I write this, the sun is beating down, surely it cannot last! Last weekend I ended up in St Andrews, perhaps the most famous town in my glorious kingdom of Fife - no sign of William and Kate this time though.

Two of my nephews had birthdays recently, a couple of days ago I was invaded by three of them, they proceeded to delve into every nook and cranny of my most stunning dwelling - one of them shrieking "Uncle Alan is a Nazi!" after finding a book about the Gestapo in my wide-ranging library of English and German literature. I'm just glad he didn't find my "Virgins of Sherwood" DVD (..that Tavis lent me..), never has there been such an inappropriately named film. I mean there weren't any..

Here a couple of St Andrews photos, and one of the nephews.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Greyfriars spaceman

Went by train to Edinburgh this weekend, weather seemed nice so why not I thought. Unfortunately the heavens opened when I got there, but I sought refuge in the National Museum of Scotland, a huge place that would take days to fully look around, there I posed as an astronaut, quite realistic eh..?

Also looked around Greyfriars churchyard, the story of Greyfriars Bobby is internationally known, a story of loyalty even after death. The wee doggie even has his own gravestone where once he stood guard at his master's grave, there's even a statue outside of a pub named in his honour.

Have today, Monday, off. Am just chilling at home but will head off along the coast in a short while, July is my favourite month but unfortunately I have no more holidays until end of August when my old Heidelberg pal Oliver arrives for a week or so. Best start hiding my best malt whiskies because otherwise they won't last long!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A wee trip up north

I decided to take a few days off from the rat race, so where better to go than the highlands? Went up to Newtonmore, spent night visiting the local pubs. Today I visited the Highland Wildlife Park, a quite excellent place, afterward a visit to the Dalwhinnie distillery and a drive south was undertaken. My bloody car has decided to almost give up on me, any uphill stretch was almost impossible for my old rust bucket. I guess an expensive future awaits. Here a couple of photos.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Factor 50

Hello again! It was nice to have a couple of weeks off so that I could travel to Europe to soak up the sun and drink lots of continental beer - and I certainly did that! Luckily I remembered to slap on the factor 50 suncream because I go lobster red, not brown. There is always a place I miss though, this time my ears, so they were bright red for a couple of days. I tended to keep mostly in the shade though, in a beer tent for example.

Back in the swing of things now though and have given my liver a holiday these last few days too! Friday tomorrow and a trip to Scotlands' Monte Carlo (Kirkcaldy) beckons, so the liver holiday looks like drawing to a close..

Here a few photos from my adventures: Me in typical pose, one of the scariest roads I've ever driven, a massive big wheel and the stunning remains of a Roman theatre built 2000 years ago (can't remember the name of the place exactly), very thought-provoking...something that is way older than me..

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Treedog pie

Past the middle of April already, not long now until, at last, I have a few days off - and another trip to Europe. Something to do with a Spring Festival I hear you ask? Beer tents, lederhosen and steins of teutonic ale? Oh, you know me so well! Maybe even a bit of sunshine too, though I have to say the last few days have been quite nice here in the glorious Kingdom of Fife.

Have been trying to make the most of weekends though I haven't done any really massive walks in recent times - even though I have invested in a new waterproof jacket (a gorgeous red one) and walking boots and shoes. Now the weather is better I'll be trying to make more use of them, must prepare in case of another highland adventure later in the year.

Here are a few photos, one shows a most delicious steak pie that I ate in the Inchview Hotel in Burntisland (a place I spent a lot of time in when younger!), the other is of the stunning tree that those of long memory might remember me blogging about, a cowboy builder still attempting to ruin the area.

Oh, and I must not forget my facebook buddy Dexter, we went walkies along to Aberdour a couple of weeks back and the daft thing liked nothing better than going swimming at Silver Sands, almost not making it back to shore at one point. Maybe he thought I'd jump in to save him....well, of course.. :-)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bridge junkie?

I seem to spend a lot of my time taking pictures either 1. in pubs, with me or my victims grinning inanely 2. Of the coast or 3. Of the Forth bridges. Surely my wonderful life has more to offer but alas I often forget my trusty camera, and believe me, there are some photos you really don't want to see!

I can complain about this or that of course but the events in Japan remind me that in reality I've not a lot to complain about, I guess you shouldn't put off to tomorrow what you could do today, after-all who knows what is round the corner?

Booked a flight to Germany for May, so I'll be away at the spring festival down Stuttgart/Heidelberg way, maintaining a tradition of many years. It's always nice to have something to look forward to in these late winter weeks...not even seen a daffodil yet!

Here are couple of photos of coast, of bridge, and of a most stunning seal! I apologise for the lack of embarrassing pub photos this time! I'll make it up to you..

Friday, February 18, 2011

Apartheid lite

February, well it's been better than January, not that I've been stripping down to my speedos and going surfing down the beach. Had a nice birthday meal with the family in the Ship in Kinghorn, one of my better ideas. Apart from chronic constipation, which meant I saved money on toilet paper, things have been just fine and dandy.

Went to Belfast last week, weather was great, walked the streets of west, south and central Belfast in glorious conditions. Part of the scenery of Belfast, especially in working class areas, are the political murals, fascinating to visitors who can barely imagine neighbourhoods divided on religious lines, they nonetheless signify a clear cultural division in society. Perhaps sending children of all faiths to the same schools? It Would save money too! Enough politics, here are a couple of recent photos, one from the republican Falls Road, the other from the loyalist Sandy Row area, the other is of Queens University in South Belfast.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Haggis night?

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o the puddin'-race!
Aboon them a' ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye wordy of a grace
As lang's my arm.

As this is Robert Burns' night in the wonderful fairytale land of the Scots, I should be tucking into Haggis, neeps and tatties right now, but I'm not. Don't get me wrong, I like the minced up inner organs of a sheep, served in a sheep's stomach, as much as the next man, it's just not on the menu tonight.

Well this month is never my favourite, just been going to work and chilling at weekends, no massive long walks have been undertaken and nothing much of note has happened - unless you count the ongoing war between my seagull-obsessed neighbours and myself. It's a bloody joke that the old age mafia leave mountains of food out on a table when there are rats about, but , hey, I'm an easy going guy and am extremely patient....

No new photos taken recently my blog friends, I promise to do better from now on, here a couple from the archive.. a nice one of Seafield Tower just along the coast from me, and the cutest Maltese cat ever.

My birthday on Saturday, please don't spend too much on presents, see you all in the Auld Hoose?