Thursday, April 01, 2010

Ancient tree

I just can't believe I forgot to update in March, I know many of you were eagerly awaiting the March update and..well, I meant to but forgot, that's what happens when you reach my advanced age. Anyway, last month went out with a bit of a snow storm but today is stunning and gorgeous, just like me..

Have booked a couple of flights abroad because it's good to have something to look forward to after these hellish months of snow and ice. What I been up to? Well, this and that, I have had a tree on my mind for a lot of the time, a tree that I grew up beside (more exactly opposite) and is about 150 years old, so even it is older than me! A local cowboy builder had plans to kill it and build shoddy flats over the ancient roots but my dad and I gathered a posse and defeated his nonsensical plans, though he can appeal the council's decision. I will keep you all posted on developments, and provide you with better photos of the gorgeous tree than this one I took.

Went walking last weekend, intended to go to Crail but the roads were closed for some reason or other so got off bus in Elie instead and walked again to Leven from there. The Chain Walk could not be attempted because of high tide, believe me, I would have drowned this time!  

Here are a few photos, one is of the wonderful tree, one is of my local pub, the other is of Earlsferry, near the Chain Walk.  


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