Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year!

I know it's traditional for me to say the year went quick, it did. In fact every year recently has seemed quick, isn't it funny how your perception of time and age change as the years go by? I can clearly remember thinking a friend of mine was ancient because he was about to turn 29! Don't think I'd think that now! Anyway, enough of my obsession with staying youthful, hope you've had a nice Xmas.

Talking of youthful, had an Australian relative visitor at Christmas and things went well, I remember her mum visiting a few years ago -well 1986 actually- here I go again!

Here a couple of photos, one shows my home town Burntisland covered in snow, the other of our down under damsel.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Winter wonderland

The snow has been here for a few days now, haven't made it in to work since Monday. The trains seem not to be running and even the Forth Road Bridge was closed. So much for global warming eh?

Here are a couple of photos I took yesterday.

 What better to warm up with than an Austrian Samichlaus beer? Brewed only on 6 December each year, it packs a powerful 14% punch! Prost!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Getting to work today was like the advance to Stalingrad, I tried with the car, but the roads hadn't been gritted and a disaster was sure to happen, so back I came to Kinghorn, and just in time for the 6.30am train to South Gyle. The walk in from there took longer than usual due to the amount of snow but I arrived at my glorious workplace with only  a sore back to complain about (this has been playing up since Saturday).  A completely non-eventful day ensued that you don't want to hear about..

Amazing that it's already about 4 weeks since my West Highland Way adventure, the first 3 days were in sunshine! The later 4 were in almost constant rain, apart from a diversion for the last 5 miles, everything went very well, that's now 3 times I've completed it and that tells it's own story. Will have to buy boots, waterproof trousers, and a totally waterproof jacket before attempting other adventures however, have had my fill of almost freezing to death on the hills.  

Here are a couple of photos. My next trip is, of course, to the xmas markets in Heidelberg and Stuttgart, can only hope that the snow goes away because the airport has been closed for most of today! 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Trees and walk

Having heard the good news that the appeal of the evil builder to kill the tree I grew up opposite was thrown out, I got on a plane and flew over to Stuttgart. Over there the people were on the streets, and in the parks, protesting against Stuttgart 21, a scheme to create a quite unnecessary underground main station, obliterating the beautiful park and killing loads of ancient trees in the process. Hmmm seems a theme is developing..

Here are a few photos of the park and trees, all of which may be gone when I return there - already a large number have been felled, protesters held back by police water cannon. 

Now I've been back a couple of weeks, this is Thursday, and on Saturday I'm off again on the West Highland Way - I have never been so unprepared! Also, was ill for two days this week and now seem to have injured my back! Oh well, so be it, I'm off to start the walk from Glasgow to Fort William in any case, am sure a few drams or two of highland malt will dull the pain.

Will let you know later how I got on! The other photo is in a beer tent at the Volksfest, I don't think any of those pictured remembers it being taken..

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stunning cygnets

So that's almost September over, a month that has dragged a bit as I was feeling less than 100% for some of it - cue the violins - but now there is just a week to go until my trip to the Stuttgart Volksfest. Will be heading to the beer tents for beer, food, music, beer, schnapps, oh and a bit more beer! I might have the courage to go on a roller coaster or two as well after a stein or two of the local brew.

Walked down the Union Canal to Edinburgh city centre on Friday, a nice wee walk with a variety of ducks and swans to see. Yesterday I took a drive to the Hermitage forest and waterfall up in Perthshire, was a nice day. Even had a couple of nice pub meals so the weekend went well. Sunday blues have started to kick in now though, another 5am alarm call tomorrow! Plans for the West Highland Way are taking shape , the first 3 nights accommodation booked, come on October lets be having you.

Here are a couple of recent photos.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Lovely day

August has gone predictably quickly, already my thoughts are on October and another West Highland Way adventure. Yes people, I'm doing it again! Not had any work-free weekdays since last update so any adventures were limited to weekends. Went walking a few times, including a Crail to St Andrews extravaganza that was blessed by good weather, nothing compared to today though which has been brilliant, sun has been shining all day and I, because I treated myself to a holiday today, walked out to Black Rock and on to Aberdour. Had to make the most of it because there will be constant rain and wind before long.  Here are photos of the gorgeous beach and Arthur's Seat over in Edinburgh.    

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Totally stiff

Hello again! I've always liked July, there's Wimbledon, the British Open golf and, this year, the World Cup. But now that's all history and it's time to get off the sofa and stop being lazy!

In the last couple of weeks I've embarked on a couple of long walks, first one from here to Hillend (there just happens to be a nice pub there) and yesterday, a monster trek from here to Dalmeny, with brief stops in local watering holes in Aberdour, Inverkeithing, North Queensferry and South Queensferry along the way. Then it was on to Edinburgh by train for an hour or two -attending a colleague's leaving do-before returning back here.

I guess Tavis and I must have covered about 20 miles in total and my legs feel it today!!Taking it easy today, not leaving the flat, not for anything.. will have to raise my fitness levels for my autumn walking extravaganza in the highlands. Plans are yet to be finalized but I'll keep you updated. Fancy coming along??

Here are a couple of random photos from the archive, unfortunately I forgot to take camera with me yesterday!  One is a rare one of me with the cast on the broken arm, taken in Stuttgart, the other from a Portugese beach, oh how I'd like to be there now..though the hat is fashion suicide!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Schönes Flugzeug

Well it's almost the end of another month and summer seems well under way, surely this good weather can't last though can it? 

Have been over in Germany since the last update - flew to Leipzig (the city of my relative youth) and spent time in Landsberg near Halle at a birthday celebration. Also found time to go to Berlin for the air show at Schönefeld airport. Have to admit that the planes there were impressive-both old and new- and it was a surprise to see a Messerschmitt 262, the first operational jet fighter, still flying.

Since my return I've been glued to the TV watching the world cup and Wimbledon, well it's a summer tradition isn't it? Plus it gives one a good excuse to crack open the beers early doors - am enjoying a Westmalle trappist ale as I write this, having ordered it in via an excellent beer website.

Some things never change though - the English media saying England are really great, that the world cup is theirs for the taking, and then predictable. Still, us Scottish never revel in the misfortune of our friends down south, though my English neighbours next door did not take kindly to me flying a German flag from my window. Of course, I was just showing my support for my favourite foreign football team, and was not a personal attack on my lovely pigeon-feeding sassenach neighbours homeland :-p. 

Photo shows an Me 262, the Kaps family boozers, and me after a refreshment or two during the trip.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Burnt fizzog

Hello again, been back at work for some weeks now, was nice to get away for a couple of weeks however. Spent a few days in Germany with a week in Malta in between. 

Caught some sunshine in Malta as one of these photos show! Actually that one was taken on a boat (now converted into a pub/restaurant) allegedly once owned by Errol Flynn - hence the pictures of him on the side of the boat behind me. Another hell-raiser with a Malta connection is Oliver Reed, who died after a heavy session in the pub I am pictured staggering out of! The other photo is of the Maltese capital Valletta, taken from the ferry.

Just another week or so before my next trip abroad, this time to eastern Germany. Hope the volcanic ash doesn't return to scupper my plans. Will be over there when the world cup starts, another excuse to head to the beergardens, not that I need one!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Monstrous carbuncle

Well, I'm off for the next couple of weeks and am due to fly to the usual place in Europe tomorrow, we'll see if the aftermath of the volcanic ash scuppers my plans. Anyway, I'm not getting the Sunday blues today and I'm well relaxed, watching the snooker and even ironing a couple of t-shirts I'm planning to take abroad. I always travel light so you'll not want to be seated next to me on the return flight, it's OK when I travel out, the clothes are clean then..

Not been on any long distance monster walks these last 3 weeks or so, but did walk along to Kirkcaldy a couple of times, one of the photos shows the most horrible architectural monstrosity on the promenade. How buildings like this were given planning permission I'll never know. Other photo shows nephews who came here on Thursday night. The eldest said he wanted to go to America, his mother replied "even your uncle Alan hasn't been there" to which the nephew replied "yeah, he's always going to Germany, that's why." He's right, am off tomorrow again. 

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Ancient tree

I just can't believe I forgot to update in March, I know many of you were eagerly awaiting the March update and..well, I meant to but forgot, that's what happens when you reach my advanced age. Anyway, last month went out with a bit of a snow storm but today is stunning and gorgeous, just like me..

Have booked a couple of flights abroad because it's good to have something to look forward to after these hellish months of snow and ice. What I been up to? Well, this and that, I have had a tree on my mind for a lot of the time, a tree that I grew up beside (more exactly opposite) and is about 150 years old, so even it is older than me! A local cowboy builder had plans to kill it and build shoddy flats over the ancient roots but my dad and I gathered a posse and defeated his nonsensical plans, though he can appeal the council's decision. I will keep you all posted on developments, and provide you with better photos of the gorgeous tree than this one I took.

Went walking last weekend, intended to go to Crail but the roads were closed for some reason or other so got off bus in Elie instead and walked again to Leven from there. The Chain Walk could not be attempted because of high tide, believe me, I would have drowned this time!  

Here are a few photos, one is of the wonderful tree, one is of my local pub, the other is of Earlsferry, near the Chain Walk.  


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bye bye February

It's amazing that two months are already gone, every year gets quicker. What have I been up to? Well, this and that, I went to Elie and walked to Leven, which included the famous chain walk. I hadn't even thought about my dodgy wrist/arm before attempting this, but was reminded by a considerable amount of pain while halfway up a cliff face. Still, the tide wasn't totally in and I managed it. For those that don't know, when the tide is in, any mistake can be deadly, indeed it has claimed many people over the years.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stunning bridges

Hello people! The snow has finally gone, being happy about it probably means I'm an old git now! Still, driving is possible again so that's good. Just back from work, just had a bottle of Schlenkerla Rauchweizen (a most magnificent smoked wheat beer from Bamberg) and life ain't so bad afterall, all you'd need is a wee dram of Laphroaig Islay single malt whisky to make things perfect..which reminds me, I have some left in the bottle under the sink! :-))

Here are a couple of photos from Saturday 9 January, when I and a couple of comrades walked from South Queensferry to Burntisland, the snow was great, I don't mind it when I'm not in the car, nice purple hat eh? Perhaps we take the Forth Rail and Road Bridges for granted but I wouldn't be without them..