Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Yes, another year older.. but who cares? If I feel I'm becoming too old I'll lie about my age, unfortunately Clemens the German forgot to do so and invited many people to his 40th birthday bash in Heidelberg last week. I hastily scrambled into a Messerschmitt 109 and flew over to Germany, enemy flak punctured my fuel tank but I successfully parachutted into the riotous party. Photo shows Matthias, Felicia and myself. Well, I'm not showing Clemens two posts in a row, people might talk!

1 comment:

SleepingDog said...

For those unfamiliar with Scottish political movements, Alan is here shown giving the infamous "tight-fisted salute", banned in most pubs along the Fife coast. This represents a staunch refusal to buy the next round, symbolizing a clenched fist around a small amount of low-denomination coinage, and is usually a provocation that ends in extreme violence.