Saturday, July 29, 2006


Anyone who has watched Oliver Stone's JFK or other programs or documentaries which distort the truth might think that conspiracy is widespread and that Kennedy was shot by Neil Armstrong and Elvis on the grassy knoll. Wrong. Sometimes the simple truth is just that- the truth. With regard to the goings on in Dallas in 1963, the problem for many is that they can't believe that someone as significant as JFK could be killed by a loser like Lee Harvey Oswald. That he was a former US marine sharpshooter is often overlooked. At least there are no conspiracy theories about who shot Oswald, if not the reasons behind it. This photo shows Oswald a second before Jack Ruby wiped him out.

Been tidying up like mad today, even cut the grass and painted a windowsill. Oh, the wild bachelor lifestyle I lead! It's good to recharge the batteries some weekends though. My partying days are approaching..

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