Saturday, July 29, 2006


Anyone who has watched Oliver Stone's JFK or other programs or documentaries which distort the truth might think that conspiracy is widespread and that Kennedy was shot by Neil Armstrong and Elvis on the grassy knoll. Wrong. Sometimes the simple truth is just that- the truth. With regard to the goings on in Dallas in 1963, the problem for many is that they can't believe that someone as significant as JFK could be killed by a loser like Lee Harvey Oswald. That he was a former US marine sharpshooter is often overlooked. At least there are no conspiracy theories about who shot Oswald, if not the reasons behind it. This photo shows Oswald a second before Jack Ruby wiped him out.

Been tidying up like mad today, even cut the grass and painted a windowsill. Oh, the wild bachelor lifestyle I lead! It's good to recharge the batteries some weekends though. My partying days are approaching..

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Was busy at work today, only about a week to go until my holiday though! Oh, I'll be a happy bunny next week, a very happy bunny. Talking of which, I came across a suicidal one which tried desperately to throw itself under my car this morning- must have been depressed- luckily I didn't assist the suicide and swerved to avoid the long-eared carrot-muncher.

If it's good enough for the Basques, why not for Fifers? Yeah, separatism is the way to go, not this independence bullshit that's cost us Scots millions already.. and that's only for the laughing-stock debating chamber! Fife has an RAF base, the Rosyth naval shipyard, and lots of soldiers are recruited here, so it's obvious that we should annexe neighbouring territories and create a greater Fife empire. Fifeland, Fifeland über alles, über alles in der Welt! Oh, the sheer glory of it all.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Well, that's another weekend gone. Started off at my nephew's 7th birthday party on Friday and it was there that most of the weekend's intellectual discussion took place- the rest of the time was spent in Kirkcaldy pubs with the usual suspects, talking about who was the most tightfisted and who had the least hair. Today I chilled in the flat watching the golf, and tidying up the spare room a bit..well I put one old letter in the bin, the rest will have to wait.

The photo here shows 2 intellectuals discussing the works of Goethe and Schiller in an artistic Kirkcaldy hangout.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Highland Games

Was off work yesterday, went along to the the famous Burntisland Highland Games, not that I saw too many competitors, it was much too hot for me so what did I do? Yeah, I went into the Inchview Hotel and had a couple of cooling pints. Afterwards I returned to Kinghorn in the mobile sauna that was pretending to be a bus. I even managed to rake up a few leaves in the garden and cut the grass. A hard day's work indeed.

Back to proper work today though, had to give training all day in a boiling hot room. I almost had to do the full monty to cool down, certainly made the training more interesting for the lucky ladies.. :-p

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Brilliant weather today, or yesterday, if you want seeing it's after midnight now. Today has been worth living through. Started off getting up late-for me 10am- and then went shopping for food in Kirkcaldy. I also took the opportunity to go to the car wash. Upon my return, I decided to exercise my lazy ass by walking from Leven to Kinghorn. I have to get in training for the West Highland Way afterall! Anyway, I walked about 4 hours into the sun this afternoon.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

fee fi fo fum

Was thinking in a spare moment today (I do sometimes) about how scary some childhood books you do..

Fee fi fo fum
I smell the blood of an Englishman
Be he alive or be he dead
I'll grind his bones to make my bread.

Jack and the beanstalk- just one example of a scary childhood story. There are loads of others however:

Hansel and Gretel- being forcefed sweets until they are fat enough to eat (child n chips supper?)
Rumpelstiltskin - wanted to take someones baby for spinning gold (eh?)
Repunzel- baby taken by witch and growing up imprisoned in a tower (wierd or what?)
Little Red Riding Hood- murderous wolf with evil intentions
Billy goats gruff- What was that Troll doing down there..

I'm sure a psychologist could tell you the hidden meanings in these masterpieces of terror literature, they certainly made me lose some beauty sleep as a child..not that you'd notice.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I hate wind- and I don't mean mine! Anytime there is the slightest wind, a ton of ivy leaves fall onto my wee grassy oasis of antipigeonfeedingism- a bastion against the old maid mafia- and that means I've to rake up and put the mountain of leaves into the gorgeous new brown wheelie-bin. It's turning into an almost full-time job, or it would be if I could be bothered. It wouldn't be so bad if almost every ivy leaf wasn't covered in flying rat droppings.

Why do our lives go into limbo during the week? I can't think of anything memorable that's happened to me on recent wednesday nights. Then again..the same would be true of the last couple of Friday nights! Haaaahaa

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Spent the last two nights drinking the Herrnbräu Brewery dry at Kirkcaldy's Bavarian beer festival and am suffering for my sins today. Ended up in a nightclub too, though the memories of that are hazy. My friend called today to say a bouncer had kindly requested that he discontinue gracing the establishment with his presence..or words to that effect. I wasn't there to witness the glorious scene as I had already departed into the night.

It's amazing what can be found in your pockets after a night out, I have about 7 Herrnbräu beermats, a street map of Ingolstadt, a couple of Ingolstadt stickers and a lovely wee teddy bear called Bernadett!

The photo here was at the start of the festivities. Gorgeous t-shirt eh? Maybe the teddy bear was a prize for wearing it?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Been under the weather the last couple of days, but things are slowly getting better. Was off work yesterday but struggled in today. Tomorrow is the last day of the week for me because I've Friday off. I intend heading to Kirkcaldy along the coastal path tomorrow. The destination? Beveridge Park, where the fabled Bavarian Bierfest is taking place. If it's even half as good as the legendary 2003 extravaganza I'll be happy.

The Germany-Italy game was good yesterday, at least the Germans went down fighting, the same couldn't be said of England's flops a few days ago.

My decision to finally do the West Highland Way has been liberating. Am planning already. The Heidelberg hippy Clemens had better bring some quality German booze with him that's for sure. And lots of money for the pints he owes me..

Monday, July 03, 2006


It's kinda depressing when you see a good film then look up the actors/actresses on the net to find they are all dead. Watched "A matter of life and death" on DVD last week, OK everyone knows David Niven died a while back, but the rest? Very weird to see co-star Raymond Massey died on exactly the same day as Niven in 1983! Spooky or what? Even the cute young US airwoman (Niven's love interest) died of old age a couple of years back..makes you think. Don't put off til tomorrow what you could do today. Life is short.

Something I've been putting off for ages- the walking of the West Highland Way, will definitely be taking place later this year. I'll be doing things from now on, not postponing them.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Overdid the end of week celebrations yesterday and have been out of action today. Watched England being eliminated from the World Cup. They got what they deserved. Not a bad job Sven's had these last few years eh? Over £4 Million a year for what exactly?

Very warm in the flat today, even with the windows open it's been unbearable.

Tomorrow is another day..