Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Pre-trip running football mourner

 I update now as I leave tomorrow on a boat to Norway for a week, never been there before, a beautiful land where you need a bank loan for a pint I think, so we'll see. Don't expect the weather will be too good, and I will likely have no wifi unless in port. Think there will be 4 stops during the week, then I'll be back on day of the general election to vote for the party most likely to stop the nationalists winning this constituency. 

Been an active month for me in terms of steps, but particularly running that I am quite into now. I like to combine walks and runs with maybe a 3-4k run at end. My favourite running track is up near the farm and kissing trees, was there earlier today and the fog was thick as hell, should have worn my bright yellow t-shirt but didn't, still there were no cars to speak of luckily. 

Made steps target today, as I might not be able to update without internet on board the ship. Packing things right now and it's difficult to pack as Norway might be warm/cold/sunny/rainy. Also I have to pack smart clothes for the dinner evenings on board, will be easier to pack for my big trip in September, but more on that another time. 

Was at funeral of Jim Smith yesterday, a lovable Kinghorn character who almost everyone knew, certainly all pub goers. The service was good and afterwards a few drinks were partaken of at the Auld Hoose in his memory. Won't be the same without Irish Jim RIP.

The football was predictably shite, a negative manager well out of his depth picking his mates for the team. Absolutely pathetic surrender against Germany and not much better in the other two games, the fans may have been popular abroad, but it was all so pathetic on the pitch. Don't know who I want to win now, though not England as we would never hear the end of it. I drew France in the office sweep, but really? No, I can't support them either. See you next time! Photo shows me getting ready for funeral, the budgies in a rare quiet moment and the washing drying in back garden, maybe Monday was our summer..