Friday, May 31, 2024

Alan Two Trips

Crivens, last day of May and I almost forgot this.

Started month down in Chester, a brilliant city and perhaps my favourite in England. Still has the old city walls, a good way to get from P to P, in other words from pub to pub. The pubs were great, especially the Cavern of the Curious Gnome. 

The small house was only just big enough for the 3 of us and was right next to the city walls and the canal. I even had a 6km run along canal on 1 May, it's amazing how new scenery gives you more energy. Am sure Oliver from Heidelberg enjoyed his time there, he was pished mostly, so I think so.

A few days later I went on my own down to Ulverston (again), was 4 nights on my own and was OK, though I think I've exhausted this place, maybe elsewhere from now on. 

I have this weekend off,  and weather forecast good for a change, we'll see if I go anywhere. 

The budgies are getting on great and wee Charlie is quite tame, he tries even to land on my glorious full head of hair from time to time.

Was along cutting grass at my late father's place today, cut it 3 weeks ago, was a forest, and today it was almost equally hard. looked in at Kath's without seeing her, nephew Oliver now back from the other side of the world. 

So, just my next trip at end of June to look forward to, more later. 

Yes, I made my steps target, also try a weekly run, will have to try doing it twice a week as slowly getting fat of my favourite routes is from the Kissing Trees into Kirkcaldy, only 3km, and mostly downhill.