Thursday, April 25, 2024

Grave visiting budgie dad


I update a few days early as am heading down to Chester tomorrow for a week of far too much drinking probably, then again, I have been a goody two shoes recently. My non-drinking lasted until 21 April so 6 and a half weeks, not bad. Am no longer a lardarse as I have been walking/running a lot. Even today I managed a 5K run, well, I also walked at least that distance too, all burns calories. Anyway, all thoughts of sobriety will be banished for the trip we will embark on, Oliver from Heidelberg will bankroll the rounds..ha bloody ha.

Will have an early night today as the train we have goes at stupid O'clock in the morning (provided it goes at all, who trusts Scotrail?). 

It's noisy in the living room, Charlie the new budgie arrived on 11 April and is in charge of the swing in the cage much to Kenny's annoyance. They are getting on fine it would seem, Charlie is a bit tamer, will jump on to the finger sometimes, Kenny is scared unless tired.

Had a trip into the past on Tuesday, a trip to Larbert, not too far from here, but a place I don't think I had ever visited. This was to investigate family history, a report Kath had done several years ago contained a lot of info, so I tracked down the graves of several relatives in the old parish kirkyard. Some graves were barely readable, but I had downloaded info from internet that listed the graves. Americans from Oregon will be arriving end of August and I am connected through the Larbert relatives so some research was needed. 

Photos show graves of my great great great grandparents William and Mary, and the older one is my Great x 5 grandparents!! Have other photos from graveyard, but still working out the connections..