Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Ancient lazy dentistless explorer

 Another horrible, windy, dreich day to end a month of pretty crap weather. I am not blaming my laziness for only just managing the 200K steps and hardly doing a run, I blame the elements.

Been dodging the scales so I don't know just how heavy I am now, will introduce some discipline soon.

Has been a standard January, ending in another milestone along my life journey, certainly nearer the end than the start at my advanced age. Still, I need to focus less on the post and more on the future.

Work wise it has been ok, shifts have been ok also, maybe I should consider getting more hours as my weeks are basically my weekends and vice versa. I really need to spend less time playing games and reading, and doing the family research I promised myself I would do (so much for focusing on the here and now). 

Went up the farm at least once recently, was at Kath's (though didn't see her) to see nephew Oliver who has gone back to Australia for another year again, good for him. 

Going to Pitlochry for 3 nights tomorrow, again my repetitive autistic behaviour is easy to predict, it will be good to de-stress and take it easy, though I might undertake a killer walk if weather permits (hope it doesn't).

Kinghorn dentist closed down suddenly, has caused a lot of people stress, we were all moved to a practice at far end of Kirkcaldy and no reasonable reason was given. Well, have heard my normal dentist was sacked due to non-attendance and they replaced her with someoine who treated the staff so bad they all walked out! I went to an Inverkeithing dentist in recent days so will give them a try. A bit shit that the town has no dental cover now though. 

One of my few wanderings into Kirkcaldy saw me discover an ancient old building that had a water wheel in the past, thanks to Bob Mirrey in the pub for the tip. Have a few routes to discover in the coming days and weeks, amazing there is so much history on your doorstep..

Photos show me in the Aberdour Hotel on my birthday, the long lost building I discovered, also Oliver before going back to Oz, was his birthday, and he shows his favourite present, a wee bottle of buckie from his caring uncle.