Thursday, November 30, 2023

Multi-peeing Downton fan

Not even 4pm and the light in fading into darkness, a depressing time of year for sure.  

So this is St Andrew's day, not that I am into all this saints crap, but it is not marked at all in Scotland, whereas St Pat's day is an international excuse for getting pissed. Not that I need one..

Made my steps target yesterday, it's more difficult due to the short days and crap weather, but I guess we avoided the worst of the weather, no snow yet, though the ice started a day or so ago. 

Been noticing that I must, er, visit toilet more, been a few weeks if not months, called the doctor surgery and was amazed I got an appointment with an actual real doctor about 40 mins later! Got bloods taken for this and that day before yesterday, a horrid bruise marks the spot on my arm. I know I have a UTI already due to urine sample handed in earlier, I await blood results, if they indeed get in touch..had x-ray on arm/shoulder yesterday at hospital. Falling apart.

I love spilling my medical issues on a forum such as this :-)

Been one of those months, got a surprise visit from Uncle Norman and Gillian, and my Burntisland nephews are all together in one house for the first time in over a year, Oliver back from Oz for a few weeks, think he intends heading back there after Xmas. 

Been watching this and that on TV, especially Netflix where I did something I promised myself I never would and started watching Downton Abbey, and I got addicted, am almost through the 4th season now, just two to go and a couple of films. I used to think it was only for maiden aunts to watch, I admit my mistake. I notice I started 3 paragraphs with "been" so will sign off now.

Oh, there is a new Krafty shop on High Street here, was there for beer tasting last Friday, I do hope they do well, not cheap though.  My car is in garage due to brake issues yet again, they will bring it back tomorrow, not long spent £800 on it.. and today or tomorrow I have to sort car insurance. Life is expensive, even for those not in the Downton upper class..

Was in Edinburgh for a few overpriced Xmas drinks at the market there, in fact most drinks were in my usual pubs beforehand! Here a few photos..a crap start to month in Kinghorn, the steps leading to/from South Queensferry from Dalmeny station, was a good visit to Ferry Tap pub after walking over from Inverkeithing. The other in Guildford Arms, yeah, it wasn't my round :-)