Monday, July 31, 2023

Mortgage free dreichness

What a horrible dreich, depressing day, just like the rest of July, well almost. Those in Europe suffering 40 degrees, I would gladly swap. Had to venture out in it anyway as I needed a couple of thousand steps to make the month's target, after doing so I ventured into the Auld Hoose for a couple of beers, again, a typical July day. 

I paid mortgage off at the start of the month, only had a tad over 1K left, but it made sense as interest rates are heading upward. Also paid the balance of the Portugal holiday so it's been a financially draining month. Also going to Germany a day after Portugal so lots to plan for. 

I usually like July, but it's not been that remarkable, as mentioned the weather hasn't been very good and I have not really done anything of note other than going part time to the vet's place and walking around my part of Fife with a few Edinburgh visits thrown in. Totally uninspired so will leave it there..oh, almost forgot, Sandra & Lavinia visited, they spent about 5 days in Edinburgh before heading down to London, their first visit to the UK, they can sing a lot of English song lyrics, but if asked a question in English the panic can be seen :-)