Sunday, December 31, 2023

Step worried hogmanay phobic

Writing this a bit earlier as am not staying up tonight, am up very early for work, and all the new year stuff has never been my thing. It's the one night of the year you would be daft to go a long way from home as there will be no public transport from early tonight for 48 hours. 

Went twice to Edinburgh this month, last time 2 days ago, a planned trip to the cinema deteriorated into a great pub crawl. Was at the overpriced Xmas market on first visit, not the more recent one. 

Did my walk run a few times, and now-horror of horror- I realize I have not yet met my 200k target, still need about 1.5 K so am off out into the darkness after this. 

My dentist in Kinghorn has closed, will have to find another, god knows what went on there as rumours are rife. 

Was up farm a couple of times, also at Norman and Gillians, was at Kath's today for a short while before heading to Kingswood Hotel for a meal, first time in there since my mum's passing. 

Goodbye 2023. 

Photo shows the one major snow episode of the month in work car park, made it in by car however, and arrived about an hour early.

Off to get the steps now, see you next year. 

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Multi-peeing Downton fan

Not even 4pm and the light in fading into darkness, a depressing time of year for sure.  

So this is St Andrew's day, not that I am into all this saints crap, but it is not marked at all in Scotland, whereas St Pat's day is an international excuse for getting pissed. Not that I need one..

Made my steps target yesterday, it's more difficult due to the short days and crap weather, but I guess we avoided the worst of the weather, no snow yet, though the ice started a day or so ago. 

Been noticing that I must, er, visit toilet more, been a few weeks if not months, called the doctor surgery and was amazed I got an appointment with an actual real doctor about 40 mins later! Got bloods taken for this and that day before yesterday, a horrid bruise marks the spot on my arm. I know I have a UTI already due to urine sample handed in earlier, I await blood results, if they indeed get in touch..had x-ray on arm/shoulder yesterday at hospital. Falling apart.

I love spilling my medical issues on a forum such as this :-)

Been one of those months, got a surprise visit from Uncle Norman and Gillian, and my Burntisland nephews are all together in one house for the first time in over a year, Oliver back from Oz for a few weeks, think he intends heading back there after Xmas. 

Been watching this and that on TV, especially Netflix where I did something I promised myself I never would and started watching Downton Abbey, and I got addicted, am almost through the 4th season now, just two to go and a couple of films. I used to think it was only for maiden aunts to watch, I admit my mistake. I notice I started 3 paragraphs with "been" so will sign off now.

Oh, there is a new Krafty shop on High Street here, was there for beer tasting last Friday, I do hope they do well, not cheap though.  My car is in garage due to brake issues yet again, they will bring it back tomorrow, not long spent £800 on it.. and today or tomorrow I have to sort car insurance. Life is expensive, even for those not in the Downton upper class..

Was in Edinburgh for a few overpriced Xmas drinks at the market there, in fact most drinks were in my usual pubs beforehand! Here a few photos..a crap start to month in Kinghorn, the steps leading to/from South Queensferry from Dalmeny station, was a good visit to Ferry Tap pub after walking over from Inverkeithing. The other in Guildford Arms, yeah, it wasn't my round :-)

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Airport junkie lost walker

Started the month in Stuttgart where I spent two nights, weather was great, the differnce to now is stark as I have heating on was was out in the icy wind earlier today. 

Stuttgart was fine, stayed in the Central-Classic and went to Ackermanns on first night, second day was spent mostly at the Volksfest, was good. Before I headed to Heidelberg on the Sunday I headed to what was once a pleasant beer garden in the Schlossgarten, couldn't be more different now as the project to rebuild the main station has made the place a building site, a great shame. 

Met Oliver at the main station in Heidelberg then headed to Clemens place in Leutershausen, nice meal in the place near the tram station, many beers were sunk as you would expect. Next day I intended to walk alone into Heidelberg, Clemens insisted I take the scenic route through forests and fields and told me the signs to follow, and follow I did, though he had made a mistake and I ended up miles from anywhere with no water left. Luckily Marita picked me up eventually. That evening, having done over 40k steps I was knackered, but off I went to Rudi's place for food and drinks in central Heidelberg. Was not on top form and was drifting off at points, still, was up next day for another long walk with Clemens and the other Clemens (or Himmler as he is affectionately known-he keeps chickens), another over 30K steps so a storming start to the month and, of course, made 200K target fairly easily. 

Got back late into Edinburgh, made error flying out to Munich then onto Stuttgart, then on way back, bus to Stuttgart, Stuttgart to Frankfurt flight, then on to Edinburgh. Would have been far easier flying to Frankfurt direct and using train and Flix bus/train. I saw quite a few airports, but I shouldn't think I will see another for quite some time, who can tell though. 

The rest of month wasn't quite so active, was lazy for a few days as weather mostly shite here. Cut the grass for the final time this year, did a few walk/runs, including the one in the icy wind today. Saw Kath once, was up farm once too, but pretty much an uneventful few weeks. Still going into my vets place now and then, next in on Sunday now, I got another shift covered. 

Crivens it will soon be show Rudi and Clemens, the river Neckar, me at the Volksfest.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Post Portugese Panic

Hello again!

Yes, I am back from Portugal and about to set off alone to Europe tomorrow, feel a bit weird as am only getting used to my familiar surroundings at home. 

I update now as I will have no other opportunity probably before the end of the month. Still a bit deaf from the flight. Did head for an hour to the Auld Hoose, but home now and tired. The budgies were looked after by Sheena downstairs, though they have been missing their budgie YouTube videos.

Holiday was fine, swimming in the sea most days and weather was almost always great, really there are three areas of Albufiera- old town, strip and marina- spent time in all of them, but being an old tired bastard I was rarely out late at night, meaning I did not see the strip at it's busiest. Would go back to Albufiera again, already been 5 or 6 times, but I don't know I would stay at Real Bellavista again, was there once in 2009 and this time again, the public areas were great, but the Wifi was pretty poor in the room, as was the useless fridge. They did have an impressive gym and spa, only ventured into gym once though. 

Don't think I am inspired to write more, really was in pre holiday mode before actually going, and now am tired and forgetful, so hopefully I won't forget passport tomorrow!

Here a few photos..

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Shocked abstinent runner

Sipping a Guinness 0.0 as I write this, been on a 10 day booze-free health kick, this was prompted by the shock of weighing 81.9kg on the rare occasion I stood on the scales, thankfully am back into the late 70s again, at least for now. Am also doing a lot of walking/running, it's really quite a habit now. Ran about 4k into Kirkcaldy today actually and hit the shops (not the pubs!) for the first time in a week or two. There were a few days in middle of month when I didn't really go out, had a disease, whether it was Covid or not I don't know as have no test kit. 

Got a shock of another kind-financial- earlier in the month when I got the bill for MOT/service at the garage in Burntisland, almost £800! Might be better getting a newer car if this goes on, it seems to always have problems with the brakes. Another financial issue was sorted as my ISA matured, reinvested for a another year at a much higher interest rate, exciting stuff, eh?

Not really much more to report, the vet's place is much the same and had decent shifts this month, next in on Saturday. I am updating now as I will be going to Edinburgh tomorrow for a few refreshments, yes a few real beers rather than the pretend ones I've been on in recent days. Do intend to have another 10 days off in early September in the run up to my holiday to Portugal and my trip to Germany just after, yes, I should have more to report next time! 

Picture shows me at the transmitter at the top of the Binn (had just dropped car off at garage and went onward to Kirkcaldy that way), the other shows my budgies in their favourite place, atop the light near the TV, they have crapped a lot into it, but they don't care, they are berzerk most of the day awaiting budgie YouTube videos..

Monday, July 31, 2023

Mortgage free dreichness

What a horrible dreich, depressing day, just like the rest of July, well almost. Those in Europe suffering 40 degrees, I would gladly swap. Had to venture out in it anyway as I needed a couple of thousand steps to make the month's target, after doing so I ventured into the Auld Hoose for a couple of beers, again, a typical July day. 

I paid mortgage off at the start of the month, only had a tad over 1K left, but it made sense as interest rates are heading upward. Also paid the balance of the Portugal holiday so it's been a financially draining month. Also going to Germany a day after Portugal so lots to plan for. 

I usually like July, but it's not been that remarkable, as mentioned the weather hasn't been very good and I have not really done anything of note other than going part time to the vet's place and walking around my part of Fife with a few Edinburgh visits thrown in. Totally uninspired so will leave it there..oh, almost forgot, Sandra & Lavinia visited, they spent about 5 days in Edinburgh before heading down to London, their first visit to the UK, they can sing a lot of English song lyrics, but if asked a question in English the panic can be seen :-) 


Friday, June 30, 2023

Two trip tired ashes runner

Hello again, that's June almost done, have a shift tomorrow and Sunday so no major party tonight, not that there ever is. That said, I was partaking of Fürstenberg beer in the Auld Hoose today, the manageress had enough of my beer complaints and got something decent in. Also got Old Empire IPA on, which is a rather deadly brew!

Took my father's ashes up the Binn on 5th of June, best place to spread them, looking down on town where he spent most of his life. 

I went a couple of trips this month, first one was alone to Ulverston (again), I went in order to walk to Coniston, the first day of the Cumbria Way. Stayed at the Sun Inn, which was cheaper than the Premier Inn, but noisy, not that it bothered me too much. The walk was knackering, really tiring, when I got near to the goal I had people asking me if I was ok! The heat made the challenging route worse, at one point I had to knock on door of a cottage in the middle of nowhere to get my water topped up, luckily there was someone in. I ordered both a pint of water and beer when I arrived in a Coniston pub, I barely managed the beer. I then hobbled to the last bus of the day back to Ulverston at 3.45pm. I was in bed about 6pm, utterly f*cked. 43K steps, but that doesn't tell all the story, a lot of climbing and uneven terrian, heat I mentioned already. Note to self- if mad enough to do again- bring more water and don't have many refreshments in the various pubs the night before.  

Next day was also nice weather and walked to the canal, up to the Hoad monument, around the town, was in the Mill by mid-day. My bodyclock was a bit out of sync after going to bed so early the day before!

My other trip was not alone, we went to Carnoustie for 3 nights, staying at the Kinloch Arms Hotel. Walked about 25K the day after arriving along the Arbroath cliffs, a lovely wee walk. Went to Arbroath twice actually, and obviously had an Arbroath Smokie or two! We found the best pub in Carnoustie was at the Station Hotel so was there for a couple before retiring. I would certainly go back to this neck of the woods as I don't remember visiting before. Stopped in Dundee on the way back for a couple of hours, walked up Perth Road and back through University buildings, most of the pubs and some buildings I knew were gone or changed, life goes on. 

I almost made 300K steps this month, not bad. I also included about 6 runs, the longest however was only about 5km, I am not the youngest anymore. Today I walked to kissing trees then ran into Kirkcaldy near Lidl, then walked back the coast, it's a nice loop.

My budgies are demanding food right now so will stop here. Hope July is also good with weather, not the usual wash out. 

Here are a few photos taken this month, one is of me and Andrew Grant who I was at school with many decades ago and was visiting from Australia. Also the coastal cliffs near Arbroath and a lovely pony on the way to Coniston. 

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Orphaned spa visitor

The end of May and the sun is shining, has a nice walk/run via kissing trees to Kirkcaldy, nice meal at Betty Nicols, then train back, I like days like this, though the sun could have started to shine earlier as it's really only got nice now. 

The month started with a walk/run to Auchtertool and back, but the reason for doing this is no longer there. My father Ron died on Sunday 7th May after a long illness that robbed him of his quality of life in the last few months. He wanted to go, he was impatient, but his time finally came this month. He didn't want a funeral, but he got one nonetheless, there are criteria to be met if leaving body to medical science and his emaciated state ruled him out. The funeral went OK, as usual there were people I haven't seen in years, so recognising and being recognised took time. No sign of my sister Anne though, less said the better on this platform.

Am an orphan now, no parents left. Still, I have never lost an Aunt, still the original 3 left, so not all the older generation has died off. My uncle Norman is a good example of how youthful 81/82 can be, and was on his usual chatty form at funeral. Shame it's only sad occasions that bring the extended family together now. All cousins were present, just the aforementioned sister wasn't. 

The funeral was on 23rd May, I fitted in a long arranged trip to Berlin and the spa resort Binz on the island of Ruegen before this, was good, the spa had 3 different pools, one was very salty and made you totally buoyant, in fact it was hard to put feet on the floor. Food was good, one night in a fish restaurant which was fabby. In Berlin was two nights in Friedrichrhain before Ruegen, and the last night near to Alexander Platz. Did fit in a wee S Bahn to Potsdam in the first couple of days before heading north by train. Connections to Berlin BER airport and pretty shit from central Berlin actually, anyone who thinks Grmans are efficient obviously hasn't flown to or from Berlin recently. 

The budgies Kenny and Scampi are totally addicted to YouTube videos of fellow budgies, they actaully make quite a fuss if the videos aren't running, but you have to draw the line somewhere, afterall I also want to watch occassional things like Selling Sunset etc (yeah really).

I sign off now, here are a couple of photos, see you in June. 

Sunday, April 30, 2023

New teeth 0.0 swallower

Kenny and Scampi are very demanding budgies, they have a favourite YouTube video of  budgies that they demand to see every day, they then get all lively and excited. They are presently on the light next to TV, being quiet for a change, watching their second favourite video. 

That the month almost over then, a booze-free April it has been yet again, though hardly a day passed when I didn't partake of a 0.0% beer, particularly Becks Blue. There are 0.5% beers, also officially alcohol free, but I think that's a bit of a cheat, still I have a few 0.5% tins of Brewdog I might partake of during May (not that I intend to have another fully BF month you understand). Lost about 2.5kg but that was from a higher than normal start.

Been to Auchtertool many times, mostly walking there and back with an odd run thrown in. It's a good way to get 20K steps each month so meeting target was easy this month- got almost 273K steps, not bad, but nothing spectacular. My dad is now very gravely ill and won't have long to go now, was there on way back from Vet's place today, it's all very sad.  

Booked a holiday to the Algarve for September, it's good to have something to look forward to and the weather should still be OK then. Was thinking about a long haul holiday at one stage, but will postpone that to next year when the mortgage is fully paid off. Do have a Berlin trip planned for a couple of weeks time, hopefully I can still go then as who knows what might happen here. Maybe I will go to Heidelberg in June, yeah thoughts of getting away are on my mind..

Cut my grass a couple of times, also at my dad's place, I knew you'd be interested. 

Hope weather improves as I have a few days off and planned on getting out and about, hardly even been to Kirkcaldy this month, so visits to Spoons, Betty Nicols and Harbour Bar will have to happen! 

Here a couple of photos taken this month, didn't take many. One shows me on way to a funeral in Rosyth - Davie Specs's wife Susan passed away. I got new front teeth this month too so my gorgeous smile is back, not that I was smiling at the funeral! The other photo shows a very wee part of the way to Auchtertool, it's a way that has become very familiar. 

Friday, March 31, 2023

Auchtertool wanderer and goodbye Robbie

Started month alone in Pitlochry Hydro, was nice, walked a loop from there and back along the rivers from Killiekrankie, so a first day of about 28k meant 200k target was eventually reached a week early due to reasonable weather and several walks to Auchtertool and back, each is 20k, though one which I extended to see Auchtertool Kirk was 25k or so. 

Auchtertool was a place that, though not too far away, was never on my list of places to visit, there are now no pubs nor restaurants for a start, the main road through has speed bumps every 30 metres or so, not a place that I would feel at home in. Though my dad Ron has been in a care home there these last weeks. He is not doing well, it's actually very bad that both my parents have suffered before the end, not that my dad is gone yet, though quality of life is very bad. A caring, loving, close family is not really our way of doing things, I will not go into detail.

RIP Robbie, my budgie was not doing well, he missed his partner Stasi, who died last month, even the introduction of the youngsters Scampi and Kenny couldn't cheer him up. After almost 10 years with his late partner he decided he would go too. He is buried near Stasi outside. 

Scampi and Kenny are lively and hyper in the mornings, they love watching budgie Youtube videos, and will cause a scene until they get their fix. 

Had a nice visit to the Royal Yacht Britannia in the last few days, have been twice, but not since 2009, a visit it is certainly worth. 

A booze-free month lies of the last photos of Robbie I post here, along with BP on Britannia and me on a mega walk up Pitlochry way. 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Gappy Stasi mourner

 Hello blog fan

Was going to put this off until tomorrow, but tomorrow I might forget, am due to get a train to Pitlochry for a couple of days of walking and relaxation, and Edinburgh pub prices. Yeah, was at same place a few weeks ago, but why not?  Didn't do much walking last time, and I got a reasonable deal on a website. 

My lovely Stasi died last week, was coming, but was sad all the same. RIP. She was so curious, such a leader, so adventurous. Buried now in my neighbour's garden. Robbie was devastated, so bought another budgie, actually two as decisions are hard to make, so Scampi and Kenny are in the house! 

Robbie and kenny are already close buddies, however the wee youngster Scampi has not been out cage yet, am sure she will soon be OK. 

Been doing a weekly run as part of walk, so happy that I'm not totally obese yet. 

Had a dental disaster again this month, my partial denture thing broke! Had to go to work a couple of days looking like a country bumpkin, however was at dentist today and a better solution is on it's way. 

Photos show Stasi on bowl outside of cage, the other shows Kenny and Scampi. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Worried ancient spa visitor

My budgie Robbie is very concerned about his partner Stasi as I write this, poor Staschen is bedraggled, has a preening gland issue, was at vets long before already, and frankly, well, hope she improves. It's been almost 10 years and Stasi was always the more clever and adventurous. Am playing them music, a mix between classical and modern, Robbie is very fond of Iron Maiden, so maybe that afterward. 

January is almost done, am another year older. Just back from the Pitlochry Hydro Hotel, it won't be my last as we enjoyed it there. In fact BP will go alone again in a couple of weeks. The pool/sauna area was good and having the room next to it was handy, wouldn't rave about the pubs in the town however, the best beers were in bottles in  the hotel bar. 

Still a bit of a slob, but made my steps target yesterday. I started my runs also, after a couple of months off, the muscle pain afterward means that at least a weekly run from now on will have to be undertaken. Actually managed only 2 runs-last Monday and Thursday, the usual Kissing Trees into Kirkcaldy route, will maybe do same tomorrow if not too hungover. 

Last month had applied for a job at a vet place up near ice rink in Kirkcaldy, I eventually withdrew application after 3 weeks. I then got message that they would like to see me anyway, went in and had a chit-chat. Was offered a job starting asap, but I needed time to think. Looking back on the ad I saw the hourly rate was shite, so e-mailed saying I would be prepared to start but not at a school-leaver money level. No reply so fuck them. You have to know your self worth.

My dad's health is concerning also this month, I don't want to write too much here though. 

The sounds of Robbie and Bronski Beat in my ears, I bid you farewell until the next time.

I also walked my sister's three dogs a couple of times.

Unfortuately they never posed to be all in one picture together, poor Shadow did a ligament in, will be out of action a few weeks, poor wee thing.