Thursday, June 30, 2022

Dental disasters II, Tenerife and elbow

 What a month!

Started off at the dentist (almost live there) and went a few more times after that, going again on Wednesday next week..

Went to Tenerife on 6 June, no major hold up at airport but it was a late flight and only arrived there after 10pm, I prefer to arrive somewhere so you still make something of the day. The hotel was in Los Christianos and was Ok, though had no view of pool from the balcony. The days up until Sat 11 June went well, weather great, swimming in sea, very relaxing and nice. Did a lot of walking along to Las Ameicas and further to Ajece, so making steps target was not an issue this month. Even climbed the wee mountain next to resort to get a couple of good photos. 

Things went pear shaped on the Saturday when I had a bad fall while making my way back to Los Cristianos from Las Americas, was rushed to the nearest hospital in an ambulance where it was discovered I had a displaced elbow fracture, this is not to mention the missing crowns in my mouth and other bruises and abrasions. Arm was put in cast and it put a dampner on the last few days until we flew home on 15 June. Went to A&E here, they took a couple of x-rays, sent me home, over a week later I saw a doctor at the hospital and was told they won't operate, which was a surprise as two doctors i know said they would having seen the x-rays.  My travel insurance company have been a disaster, they never get in touch and god knows if I'll get the over 1K I paid in Spain back.

My award-winning smile is currently ruined too, though I will get some sort of replacement soon, all in all a lot of stress I could have done without. Obviously I didn't make it to work last weekend, nor will I likely be going in next few weeks, elbow, thumb are much too stiff to sit and type for hours on end. Hopefully I will pick up a sick line at doctors surgery tomorrow.

Had my first wee walk along to Kirkcaldy since my return today, got train back, am pacing myself.

Anything else happen? Not much I can recall. Seems to be a family nest of seagulls just a metre or two from my garden, obviously they are clever creatures and want to be near their closest source of food, namely my inconsiderate neighbour downstairs, I fear relations are going to turn very frosty again soon.

Here are a couple of photos, why you ask the face mask? To cover the scabs and toothless horror look. The cast was removed a couple of days ago.