Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Dental disasters, Ireland and covid revisited

 Almost June already, goodbye May! 

Been an orally challenging month, started about 4 May with a swelling so had to go to Dentist and take course of antibiotics, later in the month my front crown fell out, at first I thought I'd swallowed it, but it turned up under the sofa, it's a long story..then, today, I was at dentist again as part of a filling had come out in last few days, it was sorted. Hopefully I'll not need

to head to dentist for a while now, still I am private and pay a certain amount each month, so all treatments were included. 

I made my steps this month, only just, but there you go. I feel I'm falling apart what with one medical or dental condition after another, it's a royal pain in the arse. 

Flew to Belfast this month, hired a car and drove the Antrim coast to Portrush, spent night there, then onwards into the Republic and the town of Dunfanaghy where my great-grandmother was born in 1861. It was a nice place, quite affluent nowadays actually, a few pubs too, which I'm not adverse to. Was in Patsy Dans on the High Street there on the Saturday to watch the Scottish Cup Final, not a hotbed of Rangers support, but a couple of good goals at the end. Talking of Rangers, they were unlucky in Seville against Frankfurt just a few days before, a couple of my nephews actually had tickets for the game.

After Dunfanaghy, it was onward to Ballymena via Giant's Causeway for last night before returning to Belfast International Airport with the car, was a good trip. I started feeling unwell in Dunfanaghy, a stinking cold I thought, was only when I returned home and did a lateral flow test that it was confirmed it was Covid (again). Even now, a week later, I'm not 100%, but a lot better. Next have to go to work on Thursday as I called sick at the weekend. 

June is almost upon us, soon it will be off to Tenerife for over a week, been watching a few vlogs on youtube to get in the mood, not been there since January 1991. Am not really one for sunshine holidays so will see how it goes..

Bloody Robbie the budgie is driving me insane today, totally loud all day, squawking away constantly.

Here is one of me at Dunfanaghy I look like a fat bastard in it, obviously just an unflattering image.  The other two are at Giant's Causeway and Dunluce Castle.