Friday, April 29, 2022

Gouty stooped fossil

 Thought I'd update today rather than tomorrow as I might forget otherwise. As I write the sun is shining and the budgies are sitting above me on the curtain rail, for once quiet and peaceful. The end of a sober month is appraoching, yes I have not had booze all month, actually isn't too difficult, have saved money and lost a kilo or two probably, that said I'm looking forward to May. It's become a tradition, as I did similar the last two years. There are some good alcohol-free beers out there and I've been drinking a lot of tea, most unlike me. 

I made my 200K target today, it's been a tough month for steps as I got gout in my second smallest toe on the left side near start of month, had to get medication for it as I could hardly walk at all for a few days. just as that got better I developed back pain, which is a bit better now but hasn't completely gone away. I go back to nurse on 10 May for further blood test as I have to take tablets to lower uric acid levels. I must be getting old!

Had an interview- online, followed by in person-at a dog food place, I didn't get feeling I would have enjoyed it there, so I'll forget that. 

Got a pair of running shoes last week, they were shite, so took them back, spent a bit more money on a better quality pair, have done a couple of wee runs on my personal circuit up the kissing trees and they seem good. Hope to do many steps in them from Tuesday onward (am at work weekend and the Monday bank holiday).

A couple of holidays were booked this month, going over to Northern Ireland, also County Donegal to view the village where my great grandmother came from, the trip is only 4 nights, flying to Belfast and hiring car, never been to Giant's Causeway so will be sure to visit there. Also going into the sunshine in June, but I'll mention that next time. 

Photos show some geese and their kids up the loch, the piepers looking down at me, and a well dressed old guy.