Thursday, March 31, 2022

Good Crieff a hermit

 The end of March, was in Edinburgh today to buy some walking trousers, well it gave me an excuse to go. I was alone so it's not really the same, visited Guildford Arms first, then the Wetherspoons on Lothian road, finally at Montys on the way to Haymarket, not exactly a monster sesh, though was in the Auld Hoose for a skinfull on the way home. 

I achieved my steps goal again, was never going to be in doubt this month, though I have been a bit of a lard arse these last few days to be true.

Did a few walk-runs as you would expect, only highlight was a few days in Crieff, a place I was first with my mum about 50 years ago, didn't stay in the hydro this time,  looks good though, so maybe will arrange a visit there soon. 

My dad turned 85 yesterday, went along with a chocolate pressie, he is doing OK all things considered, had cut his grass, and mine, a couple of days before. 

Another trip to Kirkcaldy brought a sighting of the long lost hermit-like Tavis, who,

legend has it, used to drink in pubs at one time, we'll see if  there will be a resurrection. Also I took a photo of my mum's childhood home.

My thoughts really are turning to trips abroad now, it's been too long..