Monday, February 28, 2022

Cocktail film pussies

Went a short walk up the loch today in order to reach the 200K target, then had a couple of pints in Auld Hoose to celebrate. 

It's been another uneventful month for me personally, though not if you're Ukrainian. 
Went to Edinburgh a couple of times in the last few days, once to watch the new "Death on the Nile" film and the next time to watch Belfast. I would recommend Belfast, a very human story, but not so much the other as the original film with Peter Ustinov filmed in 1977 with quite a few major stars was far superior. 

Life at least is becoming normal, mask still required when entering shops/pubs, but that will soon change, bringing us into line with England who already have abolished restrictions. 

Canne place the photos, but who cares?  Driving me bloody insane, used to be easy. The cats are up the farm, cute wee things who haven't been out yet. The one of me shows a Kinghorn Queen cocktail, a quite lethal brew..