Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Ravenscraig rambler

 Last day of November, it;s not really the most loved month is it? Managed my steps total today on last day, had to do a few long ones during month in order to do so as I wasn't venturing out on a lot of the dreich days we've had.

The budgies are making a hellish noise as I write this, really getting on my nerves, strange as they seemed out of sorts this morning and didn't look as if they would venture out. Crivens, had them both for 8 and a half years now! 

Work-wise, just a normal month, with not a lot of work, still my meagere earnings are better than nothing. Have applied for a few jobs this month, had an interview too-at Royal Mail beleive it or not, was thinking walking around would be good for me, but my CV is entirely office based. Strangely enough, while writing this I've just had a call about a job in Edinburgh. What with the birds going mental I could barely hear what they said, however an email will be sent.

Not much happened this month, I am a bit scunnered that I cannot go abroad as it is years since I did, the new varient of covid will no doubt delay things further, still at least the pubs are open here. Hopefully be able to visit the Edinburgh Xmas market the weekend after next (have weekend off) so here's hoping.

Got the shower resealed a few days ago, was leaking again, yeah the shower has caused a few issues these last few years. Oh Alan, your lifestyle is the envy of the masses..

Here a few photos taken this month, one of the sky at night, another in Ravenscraig Park on a long wonder (was there a couple od times, visited the castle also), the late Harbour Bar, one can only hope it will open again. The one of me was taken yesterday, had to do another very long walk so target could be met, the ice and snow has mostly gone since then.