Friday, April 30, 2021

Holier than thou 2 -the sequel

Oops I've did it again, another booze-free April is coming to an end!! 

Was half-hearted about it at the beginning, but the days went by and I stuck with it, was not too difficult, it helped that the pubs were closed, well those with outside seating opened on Monday, but by then my goal was already in sight. Lost maybe 2 kg, could have been more if I hadn't eaten so many crisps and biscuits. Drank a few non-alcohol beers, but they aren't too great, ended up a bit constipated, though I don't know if the fake beer was to blame. 

Met my steps target, got over 235K, a lot less than the 350K I got in April last year, but there is good reason for that, namely I wasn't working at all this time last year. Talking of work, the HMRC job I started did not turn out to be what I had expected, all in the online, remote, training group had expected 6 weeks training, what we got was 6 days, no access to the various live systems they use, then expected to man a super-busy hotline without much of a clue about what we were doing. It was not for me, so am now only working at my fallback vets place, I'll keep an eye out for other potential opportunities.

Supposed to meet up with old pal John W tomorrow at midday for a few al fresco liquid refreshments, hope I don't get too pissed as I have a very early shift on Sunday! Probably be drunk after 2 pints, as I am not used to it.  Canne wait to get out and about, has been an age since I was in Edinburgh for instance, thinking of booking a couple of nights away, but sober trip booking is not to be recommended, with a drink you just go ahead and book and not worry.

Only 17 days until the indoors pubs open, not that I'm counting.. Here are a couple of photos taken this month, the wee goslings up the loch are really cute, think there are 10 in total.