Sunday, January 31, 2021

Horny coastal snapper

January now almost done, not much to report upon again, made my 200k yesterday when hungover after my birthday the day before. Aging is better than the alternative I guess, I don't have a taboo about it any more, am happy to admit I'm 46.

Work at my vet's paradise goes on as usual, am now a permanent employee, waiting for news of the Edinburgh job still, I am not bothered much now, am relaxed about all work related stuff, have always been one that works to live rather than vice versa. 

So my wanderings around the place continued, no where too far, a couple of times to the far side of Dysart and back etc, I miss dropping into a local pub for a brew or two and that won't change soon in the police state this country has become. 

Other news? Well the shower was only producing lukewarm water so managed to get a plumber out, he solved the issue but left me with only boiling hot, so got him out again and it's ok now, though the boiler temperature sensor myay be at fault and getting a heating person out isn't too simple these days. 

I miss the trips I liked to make within UK and abroad, it's been too long, must be a couple of years since I was abroad for sure. 

Oh well the days are getting slowly longer, maybe  I will have something to report next month..

Here a few photos taken this month, a horny animal and coastal scenes. Never have worked out how best to place them, was so easy in the past..