Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Ravenscraig rambler

 Last day of November, it;s not really the most loved month is it? Managed my steps total today on last day, had to do a few long ones during month in order to do so as I wasn't venturing out on a lot of the dreich days we've had.

The budgies are making a hellish noise as I write this, really getting on my nerves, strange as they seemed out of sorts this morning and didn't look as if they would venture out. Crivens, had them both for 8 and a half years now! 

Work-wise, just a normal month, with not a lot of work, still my meagere earnings are better than nothing. Have applied for a few jobs this month, had an interview too-at Royal Mail beleive it or not, was thinking walking around would be good for me, but my CV is entirely office based. Strangely enough, while writing this I've just had a call about a job in Edinburgh. What with the birds going mental I could barely hear what they said, however an email will be sent.

Not much happened this month, I am a bit scunnered that I cannot go abroad as it is years since I did, the new varient of covid will no doubt delay things further, still at least the pubs are open here. Hopefully be able to visit the Edinburgh Xmas market the weekend after next (have weekend off) so here's hoping.

Got the shower resealed a few days ago, was leaking again, yeah the shower has caused a few issues these last few years. Oh Alan, your lifestyle is the envy of the masses..

Here a few photos taken this month, one of the sky at night, another in Ravenscraig Park on a long wonder (was there a couple od times, visited the castle also), the late Harbour Bar, one can only hope it will open again. The one of me was taken yesterday, had to do another very long walk so target could be met, the ice and snow has mostly gone since then. 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Aberfoyle Ape

Just back from the rainy trossachs, every day for a week a downpour almost guaranteed.  Was a nice wee break though, the river Forth is but a stream there, a bit larger here in Kinghorn though!  

Stayed in Aberfoyle, was a nice wee flat near the river, then again it's not a big place so you're near everything the village offers.  Just a short 15 min walk away was Go Ape, and the tree top challange was taken on, had booked in advance, which was a good idea as even at this time of year it's a popular place to go. A little nervousness was on display at start, but after the first long zip wire you get into it. I did ok considering my age and frozen shoulder anyway. Hopefully my left arm gets better, if so I must go back, only struggled really at one stage when you swing into a rope mesh, sounds easy, but my arm played up when pulling myself up to the elevated tree. No fear of heights, felt safe, and the zip wires were really long at start and finish, recommended.

What else happened this month? Well, a 3 week non-boozingness finished about the 18th, lost about 2 kg, which no doubt has returned! I got into walk-running, a mix that is only possible of course on non rubbish days. Still going occassionally to vets place but I really need to get myself sorted soon, I am just too young to be retired..

Seems Covid is still doing the rounds here as the Crown has been closed for a few days as almost all staff had it, but it's still OK for COP26 to be held in Glasgow in the middle of pandemic? Lot of shite.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Buckie and the King

Month started off in Buckie, walked to Fochabers in the nice weather, the first leg of the Speyside Way. It took a long time to reach the goal, longer than the guide book suggested. Had a pint or two there before heading with bus back to Buckie. Next day walked along the coast to Cullen, so 50K steps achieved in first 2 days of month! Was nice up there, but the pubs weren't up to much, they only seemed to have Tennent's lager. The 3 night stay at the Marine Hotel went very quickly.

The walking didn't stop there though as we headed to Edinburgh to walk the Waters of Leith the day after arriving back, this was the first of 2 Edinburgh visits this month.

Was only at the vets place a couple of days this month, had holiday to take, though could not take all of them so have lost a bit of entitlement as holiday year starts tomorrow. Back in again at weekend, it's been a while.

Apart from the active start to the month I've been a bit lazy to be honest, not really done as much around the flat that I should have, though cut grass twice and took stuff to the recycling a couple of times too-microwave packed in and needed replaced the second time. In my own defence I have been going walk-runs, basically walking half then running half in an effort to get slim again, have also been off the booze since last weekend to increase the chances of losing a Kg or two. Will see how it goes, though a couple of weeks of non-boozingness should do me no harm. 

Got some time off the end of October, so have booked an apartment not too far from Loch Lomond for a week, it's too much hassle thinking of going abroad. 

Was at quiz a couple of times at Auld Hoose, won the last time! Also at Auld Hoose, Elvis was in the building for a 3 hour concert a couple of weeks ago.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Expensive sore armed Quizzer

 Oh hello!

I update now as tomorrow I am heading north for 3 nights, want to do some recon for the Speyside Way as I intend walking it at some point soon. 

Made the 200K only yesterday, not the most active month, plenty of shorter walks but few massive long ones. Been at the vets place today and the last couple of days, won't be back for 10 days or so, and then only for a couple of days, yeah, not many shifts in September, but still cheated out of 24 hours holiday entitlement. Will probably keep going until just before Xmas, then leave and do something else, no intention of ruining Xmas like last year.

Hard to believe it's been 3 years since my last German trip, since the Traumhochzeit I was witness to in Berlin, been even longer since Heidelberg, or a beerfest, things have simply got to change! 

Been an expensive month, my MOT was due for car and the local garage here let me seriously down (note to self-never use this garage again) anyway, had to go to Farmers in Kirkcaldy, was well over £500 as brakes needed redone though they were only done 2 years ago. Not earning too much so had to dip into savings to cover this, a downside of car ownership.

Was at the pub quiz in Auld Hoose last two Wednesdays, won the first, second place in the second, so not bad! Another thing I will remember this month for is my sore left upper arm, have exercises to do, but I think the doctor was wrong with frozen shoulder, it's the arm that hurts in certain positions, not shoulder. Took naproxen until it ran out, hopefully the pain goes soon, getting old! Also Robbie the budgie is getting old, he couldn't fly after being found behind the bookcase one morning, he was pathetic and silent for a few days, rest assured the noisy bastard is back on top form now!! 

Off now to do stuff, probably continuing my Golf Clash addition when I head to bed..

Here are a few photos all taken this month, yeah the blogger "improvements" make picture positioning a pain in the arse, canne be bothered the noo. A new Lidl opened opposite Morrisons on Thursday, Davie Walker had his 80th and a cute wee cat up the farm, one of two! 


Saturday, July 31, 2021

I belong to Glasgow..

 Hello again!

I think I make the mistake of leaving things to the last minute, hence posts like last month!

I made my 200K target again, no real problem as the weather was good and I had plenty of spare time, working as I am only now and then at the vets place. It feels like semi-retirement, not bad to be honest but I don't want to fall into the trap of walking, then hitting the two local pubs every single day, crivens, most of my mates seem to the other side of 70!

We'll see what the future brings, probably have a big decision about vets place to make this month, I have a lot of holiday and we'll see how many are granted in the last month of holiday year. I may have to resign to get holidays paid if it comes to it, also on my mind-do I really want the Xmas shifts from hell I got last year? Maybe time for a change.

As mentioned, I went a few walks, also went to Glasgow for 2 nights a week ago, got plenty of walking done, even through Possilpark looking for my grandmother's address before her marriage in 1930. The pubs were good, over 20K steps on the last day too. Also was in Edinburgh the other day, German doner kabab is the traditional breakfast, then onto the cinema to watch "Old" was OK, not bad. Also ate German in Glasgow by the way, jagerschnitzel, though wasn't really that good, the sauce was even under, not over, the schnitzel. 

Been great weather this month, been hanging out with Wishart a few times, Burntisland has been mobbed with people due to european holidays being impossible or risky. Hope I get to a German beer gargen soon though. 

Here are some photos from this month..yeah the positioning is crap, but you know my views of the blogger since the updates. The barman is from Bon Accord, a great pub in North Street, best whisky selection in the city.  The photo is of Killearn Street, where my grandmother was brought up, things have no doubt changed a wee bit since she left this exact spot 90 years ago.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Infectious bastard

 Hello people! A rubbish month is about to pass, a month in which I was supposed to get the second covid jab but didn't. 

Originally due on 8 June I instead had to isolate as tested positive for the dreaded disease. Thanks to my part-time work place for their caring response-not!. 

Yeah, was a testing place open for non-symptomatic people here in Kinghorn so I went in, and the njext day I was positive! The work people were ever so understanding and almost had me on a disciplinary, but it didn't stick. They thought my idea of fun was to tirn up knowing I was positive to infect lots of people, Arses.

Just made my steps target, was a busy 3 or 4 days as I had almost given up! 

Hate blogger now, did I mention?

Monday, May 31, 2021

Crap wet month

 Yes, it's the end of May and the last couple of days have been ok, but mostly wet and dreich.

The inside pubs opened on 17 May, so that was probably the highlight. Only just made my 200K steps, only today did I manage it, a disgrace really. My addiction to gaming apps continue, especially Golf Clash, really I need to get out more.

Uninspired and forgetful I won't write much more, just been up at the crown followed by Auld Hoose for a couple, well it's a bank holiday, I was working right enough, but finished at 1pm today. Cut my grass, first time in about 5 weeks due to the crap weather, as well. 

Oh, I just canne be bothered the noo..did I mention blogger is crap now? 

One photo was at Sands on 1 May after my booze-free month, the other Stasi the budgie attacking the monitor. 

Friday, April 30, 2021

Holier than thou 2 -the sequel

Oops I've did it again, another booze-free April is coming to an end!! 

Was half-hearted about it at the beginning, but the days went by and I stuck with it, was not too difficult, it helped that the pubs were closed, well those with outside seating opened on Monday, but by then my goal was already in sight. Lost maybe 2 kg, could have been more if I hadn't eaten so many crisps and biscuits. Drank a few non-alcohol beers, but they aren't too great, ended up a bit constipated, though I don't know if the fake beer was to blame. 

Met my steps target, got over 235K, a lot less than the 350K I got in April last year, but there is good reason for that, namely I wasn't working at all this time last year. Talking of work, the HMRC job I started did not turn out to be what I had expected, all in the online, remote, training group had expected 6 weeks training, what we got was 6 days, no access to the various live systems they use, then expected to man a super-busy hotline without much of a clue about what we were doing. It was not for me, so am now only working at my fallback vets place, I'll keep an eye out for other potential opportunities.

Supposed to meet up with old pal John W tomorrow at midday for a few al fresco liquid refreshments, hope I don't get too pissed as I have a very early shift on Sunday! Probably be drunk after 2 pints, as I am not used to it.  Canne wait to get out and about, has been an age since I was in Edinburgh for instance, thinking of booking a couple of nights away, but sober trip booking is not to be recommended, with a drink you just go ahead and book and not worry.

Only 17 days until the indoors pubs open, not that I'm counting.. Here are a couple of photos taken this month, the wee goslings up the loch are really cute, think there are 10 in total.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Vaccinated two jobs runner

 Last day of March and I have two jobs now- well, the new one involves sitting around doing nothing until the IT equipment arrives and waiting until the contract is corrected before I accept it. The vets one I am keeping on on only 10 hours a week, the new hours kick in in a couple of weeks. Think I'm lucky that the training will be from home as otherwise it would be on-peak Edinburgh travel every week day for 6 weeks or so. I guess the time will come when I have to go to office, but the pubs should be open then so it will be bearable, very central.

Made my 200K a week ago and have been a bit of a lard arse since, though I pulled a muscle that needed resting, this was caused by running my wee route from the Kissing Trees into the start of Kirkcaldy. Ran this about 4 times this month, then walking back along the coast, it's a nice loop and gets me 12K steps or so. Will be a real test to make my 200K target in April as the training will likely ramp up, meaning long walks will be hard to fit in. It will be a challenge for sure, though it might be helped by my intention not to booze in April (similar to last April), might be more difficult to acheive if I get stressed, we'll see how things go, probably need to lose a few kgs.

Cut my Dad's grass a couple of days back, then tried mine but my cutter packed in, so had to buy a new one that I've not used yet, the grass needs cut urgently, but it can wait until tomorrow or so. 

Was through in Kirkcaldy earlier for my Covid vaccination, am due to get second dose in about 12 weeks, seems we are doing better than some countries, outside pubs to open 26 April I think, with inside pubs in mid-May, unless there is a third wave here of course.

Here is a photo taken during one of my wanderings, the other is probaly from 1973 and was sent to me by an ex-classmate who is also in photo.

Off to fridge to have another beer, got to make the most of the last day, though if I'm honest I overdid it a bit yesterday (boozing very high strength scrumpy and beers), been a bit fragile all day :-) 


Sunday, February 28, 2021

Snowy tyres fucked and 5 years

Yet again, nothing exciting much to report, not that I'm writing here anyway! 

Month has been very changeable weather-wise, snow arrived a couple of weeks back and I had to leave my work early to get home, luckily I had the next few days off. However, I had a wee accident outside Burntisland a few days later, bloody traffic island that I saw at last minute. One tyre was destroyed, later another needed replaced too, however the car itself was OK. 

Glueck im Unglueck.

The work goes as usual, pretty hectic on the days, mostly nights, I am there. Kind of pissed off with this lockdown now, I miss my trips here and there, the pubs I don't even miss as much. It doesn't stop my walks-made my 200K a couple of days ago- but it's nice to have a drink or meal to look forward to. 

Am rushing this one a bit, so here a couple of photos..the BP had a round birthday, we celebrated with a few beers in a private spot on the coastal path. 

 Did I mention I hate the changes to blogger? How come you cannot drag photos now? Fucking all the fuckers, fucking fuck.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Horny coastal snapper

January now almost done, not much to report upon again, made my 200k yesterday when hungover after my birthday the day before. Aging is better than the alternative I guess, I don't have a taboo about it any more, am happy to admit I'm 46.

Work at my vet's paradise goes on as usual, am now a permanent employee, waiting for news of the Edinburgh job still, I am not bothered much now, am relaxed about all work related stuff, have always been one that works to live rather than vice versa. 

So my wanderings around the place continued, no where too far, a couple of times to the far side of Dysart and back etc, I miss dropping into a local pub for a brew or two and that won't change soon in the police state this country has become. 

Other news? Well the shower was only producing lukewarm water so managed to get a plumber out, he solved the issue but left me with only boiling hot, so got him out again and it's ok now, though the boiler temperature sensor myay be at fault and getting a heating person out isn't too simple these days. 

I miss the trips I liked to make within UK and abroad, it's been too long, must be a couple of years since I was abroad for sure. 

Oh well the days are getting slowly longer, maybe  I will have something to report next month..

Here a few photos taken this month, a horny animal and coastal scenes. Never have worked out how best to place them, was so easy in the past..