Saturday, October 31, 2020

Sore armed boozy lard arse

What a blustery, windy day to end the month, was sitting outside in the tent up at the Harbour View, but came back an hour or so ago before the thing got blown away. It's almost dark outside and only 5pm. I have this Saturday off from my pets paradise, only the second Saturday off since June.  With Edinburgh etc all completely shut down, there wasn't a lot of places to go, so didn't go anywhere. 

Been a bit of a slob, only just made my 200K steps today by forcing my weary, hungover, arse up to the Kinghorn loch and back over golf course, had hoped to meet the target yesterday but was feeling much too sorry for myself, then went out with Wishart for beers and coffee with rums etc. 

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Start of month I had severe pain in left arm, a pulsating pain that made sleeping almost impossible, had to get a prescription for cocadamol and naproxin (without actually seeing a doctor you understand) and this helped a lot, the arm almost couldn't be used, but now things are getting back to normal. 

I wasn't the only one needing attention as Stasi the budgie had to see vet too, but she is ok now, a bit of a drama queen. She couldn't fly properly at one time, but she has been out and about, shitting everywhere since then.

Back to work tomorrow afternoon/evening, but a few days off until the end of week then, my Edinburgh job offer seems to be permanently frozen, or so it seems, had hoped to escape the vets place before Christmas (not theat Christmas looks like being up to much this year).

Yeah, have still not worked out how to position the photos! Why change things when they were so easy??

Well done to BP for completing a booze free month for charity, shame I didn't do the same!