Monday, August 31, 2020

Lentil eating poisoned traveller

 On this day exactly 23 years ago I remember what was happening, I was walking down the staircase of 140 hearing my mother being more animated than usual to her sister (they spent most of life talking, no bad thing) that Diana was dead, as was her current boyfriend. It's one of those "remember where you were" moments. I remember the whole country went mad, most reading this would remember.
I only point out the above because I have a good memory for dates, leaving updates to last moment however means my short term memory is tested, well, let's see..
On my third bowl of authentic German lentil soup as I write this, the memorable parts were a couple of trips- one to Newtonmore, the other to Ulverston in the Lake District. Weather up north ok, stayed at the Balavil and even had swimming pool, lots of walking, caught up with my old Motorola team lead Christian too. A few days later it was down to England, again, lots of walking, weather not so great mostly, but you take the rough with the smooth.
Still at my Vets job, have an acceptance for civil service, but we'll see how it goes, am relaxed about all this.  Got car MOTed at Farmers in Kirkcaldy, but now the cig lighter thing doesn't work, cost a fortune too. Been stuggling these last 4 or 5 days through a god awful food poisoning (again), this time caused most likely by a preheated pie out of Morrisons..I will not go into detail.
Managed the 200K steps target before my guts started a war, not been a long walk now for about a week so maybe tomorrow, probably need to cut my Dad's grass and mine too, a forest by the looks of it, so much flooding here recently.  I hate the nights drawing in, and I certainly notice the mornings being darker.