Thursday, April 30, 2020

Holier than thou

Last day of a month that didn't exactly whizz by, lockdown is long in place, but I developed a routine of getting up earlyish and going walking-mainly a circuit involving the coast to Burntisland and up the Binn path, Kinghorn Loch etc. I managed a record amount of steps this month- just a fraction over 350K, so have been disciplined, in part helped by the good weather we have been having. Didn't go walking today as it was dreich and I needed to be lazy for a change.

Have also stuck to my intention of not boozing this month, probably the longest I've gone without a libation since I was 17. Was not too difficult to be honest, drank a lot more tea than normal, also some of the alcohol free beers. Think I lost 2kg, would have been more had I not eaten so many biscuits etc. Will probably have a few of the German festival beers I aquired in Lidl this month to celebrate the new month tomorrow, perhaps a wee dram of Deanston 12 year old too, we'll see.

Been watching a lot of Netflix again this month as you would expect, even some dating shows that are not normally my scene. Cut my grass, as well as my dad's too, oh it's a swashbuckling life I am leading, but you've got to take advantage of the nice weather.

Been doing a bit of scanning of old photos- mainly the paternal side of the family, have photo albums going back to the 1920s and will continue to do this going forward. I have sent a few photos to my dad and his brother and sister, some are very old at least one seems to be from the 1880s.

So not a lot to report..been taking shopping up the farm a few times as my aunt is isolating up there. Waiting in queues to get into shops/supermarkets is doing my nut in, hope normality arrives sooner rather than later!

Here a few photos taken this month..Kinghorn Loch that I passed several times this month, a picture of Edinburgh from Kinghorn beach, and the budgies who are loud as hell as I write this.