Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Viral DNA lockdown

Another last minute rush to meet the deadline, would have updated earlier but was binge watching "Love is blind" and "Suits" on Netflix. I have been watching a lot of TV this month-it's not like there is a lot else to do!

Month started off down in England, went to Harry Potter studios on last day of February, then on first of March we walked about 15 miles round London- Euston-St Pauls- Tower Bridge- along the Thames-Millenium Bridge-Westminster- Buckingham Palace- Trafagar Square- Piccadily Circus- Soho. Life was still normal then..

Lockdown for the virus means all the pubs are now closed-in fact not much is open and there are queues to get into a lot of shops, had to wait 30 minutes to get into Coop today as they only allowed two customers in at any one time.

No pubs! A strange feeling and they won't be opening any time soon, have decided April will be a month of clean living, might save myself a bit of money as well. We'll see. The lockdown of pubs was sudden, so we panic bought a few rounds on the Friday it happened, a lot of people will be missing the social centres that the pubs here are. Owner of the Crown did us a good deal on a large box of craft cider, but this remains unopened for now.

Made my steps target again, a lot of walking to Kirkcaldy before lockdown, then a lot of trips up the loch and the Binn. Have also taken Kath's dogs on occasion as I had time on my hands as the bottom has fallen out of the job market. I did have an interview at a store in Kirkcaldy, but then all the stores were closed, so that sums it up.

Went shopping a couple of times for my Aunt, so am not thinking entirely of myself. Been in touch with her also about family history stuff as my DNA results came back, they also provided lists of relatives who have used the same site-the closest match being a second cousin in Oregon, USA. Am about 88% UK/IRE, with a small amount of French (a relative around the
time of Napoleon), Scandanavian and general north European. Interesting it is!

Here a few photos- one of the queue outside Coop was taken today, the one of me on a train was nearer the start of the month when all was well, those were the days.