Thursday, February 27, 2020

Gullible rainbow cow

I update now because am off on a trip to celebrate this significant weekend, I'm sure you don't need me to update you. Another month almost gone, though the next two days of the month should be enjoyable, and I will have no time to update this rather bland and seemingly censcored blog.

Did a lot of walking as usual, as mentioned I was still dog walking for a so-called friend into this month, this is a lesson well learned however as the tight-fisted bastard offered (nor the old woman who housed the dog for a month) not a single penny.  I guess that might be the reason he has a Thai wife, it's her and the dog I feel sorry for, a lesson well learnt as I could have been walking my sister's dogs instead for really free.

The work situation doesn't look good in Fife, maybe need to expand my horizons into the hated (work-wise) Edinburgh eventually, though financially I'm in an enviable position to be honest. Was at interview today for Nationwide building society, more like a Gestapo interrogation, hopefully I'll not get it.

Been keeping the steps up, though I did 18k or so the other day and still have not reached target for the month, this should happen tommorrow, or latest Saturday. It's a leap year and a very special occassion, will spend the glorious day that will forever be remembered near London with Harry Potter, or at least his spiritual home, more later.

The picture of the highland cows was from this morning, a regular early morning walk up the loch and beyond, the next is of Stasi the budgie always inquisitive, unfortunately she seens to have injured her foot again.  The rainbow was taken on one of the many walks into Kirkcaldy, this one in good weather at the start of the month.

Off to do some packing, should take 5 minutes..