Thursday, December 31, 2020

Non-partying wheat beer sipper.

 Am sipping on a Schlenkerla wheat beer as I write this, a nice, smoked, Bamberg beer. Just back from my vets paradise and I will not be partying tonight, in fact I will likely head off to bed soon, as I have a very early start tomorrow, at least it's double time.

Another month with not a lot to report, it's been that kind of year. I made my 200K steps yesterday, a long walk was undertaken along coast to Kirkcaldy, up the small road all the way up to Longloch farm, then down the Binn and along back to Kinghorn, with a stop at my sister's thrown in. There was a lot of ice and snow about up there, nut here, down at sealevel, there's not much, a relief for me as I would struggle to get to work otherwise.

I am wracking my brains to think of anything else I was up to, but I can't think of anything other than my several wanderings. Did meet up with Wishart in Kirkcaldy, heading to a coffee shop and secretly pouring rum in, became quite expert at that, well, it's not like the pubs are open, and shouldn't think they will open for another 2-3 months.

I hope the next year is better than this one, it's really quite depressing how quickly the years pass..

Photos show me up the Binn the other day, also some cows at Long Loch farm, and a view of distant Kirkcaldy from near the Kissing Trees.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Depressing dark lockdown land

November is not my favourite month, in fact the darkness is depressing. Pretty much nothing to report this month, did make my 200K yesterday, have been walking around the local area pretty much as normal, so weather hasn't been terrible.

Still going part-time to my vets paradise, yesterday was a long shift until 10pm, but off today and a short shift tomorrow night before a few days off until the weekend. The Xmas rota should be out today and I am likely to get the worst shifts at Xmas time. How do I know that? Well, had a run in with the guy who does the shift rota a few months ago. Oh well, such is life, thought I would have heard about the Edinburgh job, but nothing yet, shame as I could have resigned for mid-December and enjoyed Xmas had I been starting another job at start of January.

Shame the pubs are shut here, honestly I think London are under much more relaxed rules than we are in the SNP land of dictatorship. I voted against the introduction of a Scottish parliament 20 years ago, it's just a farce really.

At the start of the month outside drinking was still allowed, so places like the Harbour View in Kinghorn were worth a visit as the other two pubs have no outside seating. Unfortunately we overdid it with hot toddies at start of month and felt like crap for a few days at start of month, still got a week of non-boozingness out of it. Doesn't look likely rules will be relaxed anytime soon unfortunately, crivens even Spoons in Kirkcaldy is closed!

Oh well, can only hope things start getting better soon, am sitting here watching You Tube videos on the large TV, it's good that there is so much to watch, including Netflix (finished the Crown already), my budgies particularly like the videos of budgie swarms, but they are loud enough at the best of times.

Got my flu jab this month, had to go to Kirkcaldy for it, shame they couldn't have given me the corona one at same time!

Here are a few photos from this month- the Kissing Trees and two of Kinghorn Loch.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Sore armed boozy lard arse

What a blustery, windy day to end the month, was sitting outside in the tent up at the Harbour View, but came back an hour or so ago before the thing got blown away. It's almost dark outside and only 5pm. I have this Saturday off from my pets paradise, only the second Saturday off since June.  With Edinburgh etc all completely shut down, there wasn't a lot of places to go, so didn't go anywhere. 

Been a bit of a slob, only just made my 200K steps today by forcing my weary, hungover, arse up to the Kinghorn loch and back over golf course, had hoped to meet the target yesterday but was feeling much too sorry for myself, then went out with Wishart for beers and coffee with rums etc. 

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Start of month I had severe pain in left arm, a pulsating pain that made sleeping almost impossible, had to get a prescription for cocadamol and naproxin (without actually seeing a doctor you understand) and this helped a lot, the arm almost couldn't be used, but now things are getting back to normal. 

I wasn't the only one needing attention as Stasi the budgie had to see vet too, but she is ok now, a bit of a drama queen. She couldn't fly properly at one time, but she has been out and about, shitting everywhere since then.

Back to work tomorrow afternoon/evening, but a few days off until the end of week then, my Edinburgh job offer seems to be permanently frozen, or so it seems, had hoped to escape the vets place before Christmas (not theat Christmas looks like being up to much this year).

Yeah, have still not worked out how to position the photos! Why change things when they were so easy??

Well done to BP for completing a booze free month for charity, shame I didn't do the same!


Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Small puppy, large cannon.

 Aye, it's the end of September and the nights are fair drawing in!

Month didn't start very well, a domestic happening necessitated a hospital visit, but all is better now. Went down south shortly after to Carlisle for a couple of nights, seems like a nice place and the castle was interesting. Stayed near the station where the centre of the nightlife takes place, there are even two Wetherspoons pubs within about 50 metres of each other, one with a photo of Rudolf Hess on the wall, as he was imprisoned in the castle for a couple of nights on the way south. Not that I am one for staying out too late, never really have been, and certainly not now that I'm ancient.

Still, am still active enough to meet my steps target of 200K again this month, again I have been walking regularly around the local area, a couple of days ago I did about 18K to take me over the limit, been resting up yesterday and today as a new month starts tomorrow. Yes, sober October is nearly upon us, I'm not doing it, but I know someone that has been sponsored to do so! It will likely be a long month for me too..

Still working away- sometimes- at my vets place, it's OK, but finishing really late at night is not really me, am more of a morning person. Working every single weekend too, as well as some nights during week, is also less than ideal, maybe I'll be starting my Civil Service job soon, but am still waiting for details. Seems everything is delayed by this virus thing, next we will have another lockdown the way things are going.

So not really much to report this month, it's been that kind of year really. Off out to the pubs in a few minutes, must remember mask, a last few drinks for someone before October starts!

Oh, Kath has got herself a new wee doggie called Red (he's black), a cute wee thing and some company for Shadow who has been missing her old companion Ember. Not had him out on a walk yet, got to wait a while for that.

As I am writing this Stasi has just landed on my monitor and is checking up on what I write, she is a well-named bird!

Yeah, am having trouble positioning photos since Blogger was updated, crap really.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Lentil eating poisoned traveller

 On this day exactly 23 years ago I remember what was happening, I was walking down the staircase of 140 hearing my mother being more animated than usual to her sister (they spent most of life talking, no bad thing) that Diana was dead, as was her current boyfriend. It's one of those "remember where you were" moments. I remember the whole country went mad, most reading this would remember.
I only point out the above because I have a good memory for dates, leaving updates to last moment however means my short term memory is tested, well, let's see..
On my third bowl of authentic German lentil soup as I write this, the memorable parts were a couple of trips- one to Newtonmore, the other to Ulverston in the Lake District. Weather up north ok, stayed at the Balavil and even had swimming pool, lots of walking, caught up with my old Motorola team lead Christian too. A few days later it was down to England, again, lots of walking, weather not so great mostly, but you take the rough with the smooth.
Still at my Vets job, have an acceptance for civil service, but we'll see how it goes, am relaxed about all this.  Got car MOTed at Farmers in Kirkcaldy, but now the cig lighter thing doesn't work, cost a fortune too. Been stuggling these last 4 or 5 days through a god awful food poisoning (again), this time caused most likely by a preheated pie out of Morrisons..I will not go into detail.
Managed the 200K steps target before my guts started a war, not been a long walk now for about a week so maybe tomorrow, probably need to cut my Dad's grass and mine too, a forest by the looks of it, so much flooding here recently.  I hate the nights drawing in, and I certainly notice the mornings being darker.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Sad new fridge owning mourner

That's my favourite month almost over, though I should be glad I made it seeing as the end could come at any time. 

My favourite wee doggy Ember was put down for behavioural reasons a week ago, am devastated as she was my wee star, so intelligent too :-( 

Got a new fridge at start of month, the old one had done over 20 years of beer cooling, so went to a well deserved retirement, the new one is much the same, though the freeze box handle looks as if it could break like it's predecessor. 

The pubs opened again, so my weekly routine has been altered, that Davie Walker is a bad influence! 

Only just made my 200K steps, nothing to be proud of, as it could have been more.
Booked a trip to Newtonmore and to the usual place down south, hopefully can do these before new lockdowns are enforced.

This month also saw the passing of Olivia de Havilland, as anyone who knows me knows, I am an Errol Flynn fan, those swashbucklers from the 30's mean she will never be forgotten.

RIP too to my old Dundee University pal Rex Gatch, who died suddenly and leaves a wife and daughter. I almost met him again in NYC in 2017, but he was on a London trip, was looking forward to the next time, such is life.

Yeah, not very upbeat this month..

Work at my vets emergency place is ok, already pissed someone off with my demands for holidays, it's a part-time position, but weekends are always worked, so tomorrow better not be great weather..

What has happened to blogger? Don't think I have the patience, the photo of Ember was last one I took of her, though not last time I saw her, that was on 21 July at Philip's 21, the photo of the birthday boy is Rhys however Rhys, who turned 17 and has a car now..

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Big spending, employed, scrumpy-drinking hoarder

My budgies are going mad, totally loud as hell and Stasi especially is quite destructive, attacking the speakers of my PC and attacking any spare wood she can get her beak on. It's not only in the living room too, she has taken to flying around the flat to find new areas to attack! They were quite quiet when I took the cage out the back garden on a sunny day nearer the start of the month, but normal sevice returned when they were brought back in!

Been another lockdown month, though there are plans for pubs to open in next couple of weeks, don't think it will be the same as before though with many restrictions, any way we will see.

Started a new job a couple of weeks ago, I am actually working tonight, hence I update now. Unfortunately I'm going also to be working all fothcoming weekends too, oh well, get most days during week off however. It will do me for now, will keep an eye out however as the hours do not really suit.

I only just made 200K steps today, not very impressive, too many days were written off with being lazy and/or hungover. We ordered 3 different sorts of scrumpy a couple of weeks back- 3 litre packs- and they went down very well, you don't realize the strength until you wake up on the sofa in the early hours of the morning with a budgie kacking on your head..

Still doing the shopping for my Aunt and cousin, was there today in fact, I don't mind it actually as I do like to go food shopping, though going when hungry is a bad idea. Got myself a nice bottle of Furstenberg for later, though I'll not be opening it until about 11:30

Not much else happened, been cutting my own and my dad's grass, though my cutter almost didn't start last time, hopefully I'll not need a new one.  Bought a new fridge the other day, it arrives on Friday, the one I have has been good and has lasted over 20 years, but the door to the freeze box is now broken, so out with the old and in with the new.

Oh, also got new walking boots, hey big spender, and I have been out in the a couple of times- get a blister on wee toe on the right side, but hopefully that won't be a problem once I break them in. My last pair have lasted 4 years, and I will keep for now as I'm a hoarder. Even still have the boots I bought in 2002, along with countless pairs of other, long since discarded, shoes. Also clothes also seem to be retained forever, really need to have a clear out!!

OK, have to get ready for tonight's shift along in Dunfermline.

The photos are much the same as previous months, as I tend to walk much the same routes, one is with Kath's dog Ember, the other two in-or near-Kinghorn.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Head shaved sunburnt biker

The end of May, sun beating down, warm temeperature and a cold Proper Job IPA in the hand, life isn't too bad. Not been a month with a lot going on, been walking- acheived 300K, but the last few days of the month have been warm and discipline has gone, basically sunbathing and drinking beer and cider! Even had my bike out today, about time as I bought it back in july 2018! It's been littering my bedroom (along with the rusty golf clubs) since then.

I did a lot of my usual walking circuits-usually getting at least 10K a time, and did this about 5 times a week, will bring the routine back tomorrow for the start of June. Cut the grass-both mine and my dad's- a couple of times too. Been kept busy going to supermarket for my Aunt as well, the queue to get in was massive yesterday, hopefully this lockdown shite will soon pass and things will become more normal. I had a flight to Germany booked at start of month, but obviously didn't go, refund still not received, honestly these airlines are shooting themselves in the foot with this.

Got a new phone, wasn't my idea, more my PR assistant, still getting used to it, will also get a newer Samsung fitbit thingy- I like the one I have but the strap broke and it now glued on.

My budgie Stasi was taken to vet a couple of weeks ago, she has something up with ther foot, but the vet just gave painkiller, which the other budgie also seemed to like, the spaced out feathered terrors were even noiser than usual while the stuff lasted. She seems fine now, though tends to lie down rather than sit, well she is over 7 now and no spring chicken.

Glad I had invested in haircutting clippers a couple of years back- been used to extreme effect- likely I will not need to visit any barbers again as I can be sheared at home for free, plus my few strands aren't too hard to cut. Do not expect a picture! Also because I'm like a lobster after all this sun!

Oh well, onwards and upwards eh? The job front isn't too active, though I had an virtual interview yesterday and it seemed to go OK. Here a few photos, as ever I endevour only to post photos taken in the month of the post.

Am away to put soothing cream on my burnt bits..

PS the photo of me holding a beer was from May 1 to celebrate a month of sobriety, unfortunately the celebration then involved several more-and a half bottle of scotch- the last day I tasted whisky. Shame as I have still a bottle waiting patiently in the cupboard, oh well..good things come to those who wait. Never liked that t-shirt, it's breathable but makes me look as if my tits are huge..the union flag was waiving on VE day.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Holier than thou

Last day of a month that didn't exactly whizz by, lockdown is long in place, but I developed a routine of getting up earlyish and going walking-mainly a circuit involving the coast to Burntisland and up the Binn path, Kinghorn Loch etc. I managed a record amount of steps this month- just a fraction over 350K, so have been disciplined, in part helped by the good weather we have been having. Didn't go walking today as it was dreich and I needed to be lazy for a change.

Have also stuck to my intention of not boozing this month, probably the longest I've gone without a libation since I was 17. Was not too difficult to be honest, drank a lot more tea than normal, also some of the alcohol free beers. Think I lost 2kg, would have been more had I not eaten so many biscuits etc. Will probably have a few of the German festival beers I aquired in Lidl this month to celebrate the new month tomorrow, perhaps a wee dram of Deanston 12 year old too, we'll see.

Been watching a lot of Netflix again this month as you would expect, even some dating shows that are not normally my scene. Cut my grass, as well as my dad's too, oh it's a swashbuckling life I am leading, but you've got to take advantage of the nice weather.

Been doing a bit of scanning of old photos- mainly the paternal side of the family, have photo albums going back to the 1920s and will continue to do this going forward. I have sent a few photos to my dad and his brother and sister, some are very old at least one seems to be from the 1880s.

So not a lot to report..been taking shopping up the farm a few times as my aunt is isolating up there. Waiting in queues to get into shops/supermarkets is doing my nut in, hope normality arrives sooner rather than later!

Here a few photos taken this month..Kinghorn Loch that I passed several times this month, a picture of Edinburgh from Kinghorn beach, and the budgies who are loud as hell as I write this.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Viral DNA lockdown

Another last minute rush to meet the deadline, would have updated earlier but was binge watching "Love is blind" and "Suits" on Netflix. I have been watching a lot of TV this month-it's not like there is a lot else to do!

Month started off down in England, went to Harry Potter studios on last day of February, then on first of March we walked about 15 miles round London- Euston-St Pauls- Tower Bridge- along the Thames-Millenium Bridge-Westminster- Buckingham Palace- Trafagar Square- Piccadily Circus- Soho. Life was still normal then..

Lockdown for the virus means all the pubs are now closed-in fact not much is open and there are queues to get into a lot of shops, had to wait 30 minutes to get into Coop today as they only allowed two customers in at any one time.

No pubs! A strange feeling and they won't be opening any time soon, have decided April will be a month of clean living, might save myself a bit of money as well. We'll see. The lockdown of pubs was sudden, so we panic bought a few rounds on the Friday it happened, a lot of people will be missing the social centres that the pubs here are. Owner of the Crown did us a good deal on a large box of craft cider, but this remains unopened for now.

Made my steps target again, a lot of walking to Kirkcaldy before lockdown, then a lot of trips up the loch and the Binn. Have also taken Kath's dogs on occasion as I had time on my hands as the bottom has fallen out of the job market. I did have an interview at a store in Kirkcaldy, but then all the stores were closed, so that sums it up.

Went shopping a couple of times for my Aunt, so am not thinking entirely of myself. Been in touch with her also about family history stuff as my DNA results came back, they also provided lists of relatives who have used the same site-the closest match being a second cousin in Oregon, USA. Am about 88% UK/IRE, with a small amount of French (a relative around the
time of Napoleon), Scandanavian and general north European. Interesting it is!

Here a few photos- one of the queue outside Coop was taken today, the one of me on a train was nearer the start of the month when all was well, those were the days.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Gullible rainbow cow

I update now because am off on a trip to celebrate this significant weekend, I'm sure you don't need me to update you. Another month almost gone, though the next two days of the month should be enjoyable, and I will have no time to update this rather bland and seemingly censcored blog.

Did a lot of walking as usual, as mentioned I was still dog walking for a so-called friend into this month, this is a lesson well learned however as the tight-fisted bastard offered (nor the old woman who housed the dog for a month) not a single penny.  I guess that might be the reason he has a Thai wife, it's her and the dog I feel sorry for, a lesson well learnt as I could have been walking my sister's dogs instead for really free.

The work situation doesn't look good in Fife, maybe need to expand my horizons into the hated (work-wise) Edinburgh eventually, though financially I'm in an enviable position to be honest. Was at interview today for Nationwide building society, more like a Gestapo interrogation, hopefully I'll not get it.

Been keeping the steps up, though I did 18k or so the other day and still have not reached target for the month, this should happen tommorrow, or latest Saturday. It's a leap year and a very special occassion, will spend the glorious day that will forever be remembered near London with Harry Potter, or at least his spiritual home, more later.

The picture of the highland cows was from this morning, a regular early morning walk up the loch and beyond, the next is of Stasi the budgie always inquisitive, unfortunately she seens to have injured her foot again.  The rainbow was taken on one of the many walks into Kirkcaldy, this one in good weather at the start of the month.

Off to do some packing, should take 5 minutes..

Friday, January 31, 2020

Dog walking stress dodger

Last day of the month, Brexit Day too.

Been a good month actually with little or no stress. Been paid in advance for the next few months by my severance payment, so no major rush job-wise, though I did apply for a few and had an interview on my birthday 2 days ago, we'll see how things go.

Been physically active, was at gym 3 or so times, last time I did my back in so have been taking it easy the last few days, seems to be getting better though. Hasn't affected my walking much though, easily made target and have gone many times to Kirkcaldy and back, also a couple of times to Aberdour with Sandy's dog- he's away abroad for a month and I said I'd walk the dog a couple of times a week- she's very well behaved, so no problem. Also had my sister Kath's dog Ember staying with me for a week at start of month, she is lovely, but can get snappy with people she doesn't know approaching her, not a dog to take into the pubs..

My budgies gave us a fright this morning, they had gone on a noctural flight and Stasi ended up injuring her foot (hopefully not serious) while Robbie ended up spending night in a cereal bowl in the sink! Was lucky not to drown as there was water in it. Both are making a recovery, but they will be locked in their cage at night from now on.

Had the ivy in the garden cut back, was needing it, though the people that did it charged hundreds of £, they were here to do Sheena's so I thought I'd go for it, should be the council's responsibility though, so I am expecting a receipt which has not yet arrived.

With regard to the Brexit thing, I don't expect much to change, anyway the EU needs serious reform, they once rejected me for a job with them in Berlin in the 1990s, not bitter though..:-)

Here a few pictures taken this month..shows Megan the dog on top of the Binn on the way to Aberdour, the piepers with their popcorn out watching the ivy getting cut, also a picture of the ivy before my side was cut back.