Thursday, October 31, 2019

Med exploring man flu victim

Unlike last month when I hardly took a photo, this month I am spoiled for choice. It's been a month when many new places were vistited, and I had a lot of days off.

Headed to Southampton early in the month, spent night in the Flying Dutchaman before catching the Ventura for a 14 night cruise of the Med.

Went to Cadiz, Barcelona, Pisa, Rome, Cartagena and Gibraltar. Was very nice, and the time went very quickly! Was actually quite disciplined, was not up too late most nights, as my lack of energy meant early nights. Even the 80-odd year olds we met at dinner were up later than me! It's an issue, but not one I want to dwell on now, I just don't sleep very well.

Anyway, the places we visited I had never been to, bar Gibraltar, so it was very interesting, weather was kind too.

Before I knew it, was back and going to work, but only for a few days, then I got ill and have been off work all this week, the dreaded lurgy got me, and it went to the lungs so I have antibiotics to take, will go back to work on Saturday. As for work, it's not looking good, many people leaving, including the Dutch and Germans, I myself have decided to go, even applied for a job, though I was obviously overqualified. Got to get out sometime though!

Seeing as the month was quite active I might have been expected to write more, but I am not inspired at the moment. Met my steps target (the gym on the ship helped) easily. Doing the spooky walk on Saturday, it's been a while, hope it's good!

I see there will be an election soon, no doubt I will see plenty of flag-waving, face-painted Anglophobes out and about for the next few weeks..

Here a few photos- of Barcelona (me waving), Rome, Pisa and Gibraltar, you would never guess which was which! Also one of me in a smart suit, a rare sight, suitable for Halloween..!