Sunday, June 30, 2019

Bonus dog walker

Last day of June and the nights are fair drawing in..

Been a pretty stressful month at my beloved workplace, the place I've been moaning about for years on this platform, god knows why I haven't done something about it as tomorrow is the start of another week in hell for your friendly neighbourhood supervisor!

Having an early night tonight, been overdoing things in an effort to releave stress, which isn't always a good idea. At least I managed the step target yet again, though it took me until yesterday to do so. This was due to a lot of wanderings along coast and a circuit up the loch and the Binn that i've taken to doing. Been a few nice mornings recently so it's a good start to the day on days I'm starting later at work.

Will probably have to think about updating a day or two before month ends as I always forget stuff if leaving to last minute.

Been in the Crown as much as Auld Hoose this month as the Crown makes an effort. On Friday I walked from my workplace to Hillend Tavern, then got picked up and dropped off at the Crown, a few drinks before tea became a few drinks instead of tea, so suffered a bit the next day. Still, won the bonus ball in the Crown a week ago- £59- so not bad. The Auld hoose has a closed shop bonus ball so another reason I'm going off the place.

Walked Kath's dogs twice this month to Aberdour, both days were great weather, Ember is so much smarter than Shadow!

Here a few photos taken this month..the Black Rock Five running race starts near my front door..