Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Runny-nosed Morrisons stalker

That's January almost finished in my speedy dash to old age and retirement. It's been a month that started with the Loony Dook down the beach near me, no I didn't take part, are you mad? However, I know someone that did!

My ever increasing obsession with steps after getting the fit-bit has shown no signs of going away, my routine when on backshift involves walking along to Morrisons then back again before going to work, am even usually in the store before you can legally buy booze! Yeah, me! Have done this about 10 times this month and I reached my steps target no problem.

Feeling a bit fragile today as it was my birthday yesterday, getting more than tipsy when you've to get up for work at 6am is not to be recommended, have vague memories of my sister (the younger one, as the older one doesn't speak to me)  arriving with a bottle of wine, not that I needed any extra lubrication at that stage, but it was my birthday after all. Anyway, survived the day at work and am now looking forward to a few days off, heading done to England, the details I will provide next time.

Honestly, not much happened this month it seems, was off sick from work for a couple of days in middle of month, the dreaded lurgy got me. If truth be told I've not been 100% since about Xmas eve and my nose is running since then. At least my nose is-as I haven't been, the lazy lard arse I've been.
Oh well, let the trip commence, an early start tomorrow and it will be -4 degrees overnight, will have to get the car engine running a few mins before departure.

Here are 3 photos taken this month-not taken many to be honest- one is visitors from Manchester area in the pub, the next my budgies sitting on the kitchen door, they love doing that (and kacking onto the floor) and the other is me yesterday, yeah, I've no idea either.