Monday, December 31, 2018

Flu-ridden old killjoy, oh yes I am..

31st December and another year is about to end, not something that someone of my age should celebrate, though this won't go down as the best ever year anyway.  Been working these last 3 days, long shifts, and I take time to unwind, just feel really stressy even though we were just out for a couple in the Auld Hoose and then inhaled a Chinese
take away. Now at home, the budgies chatting away loudly and me still internally calming down. These last few days were also bad due to the horrible illness that has gripped me, some would say man flu, I prefer just to say flu. It started about Xmas eve (which I also worked) and has been a constant companion since, sometimes I'm cold, then burning up, then cold and so on..

I realize I moan a lot about the job on here, perhaps 2019 is the time to do something about it as it will be chaos once the campsites open. Have to get the CV updated.

Did reach my 200000 steps target, went several times along to Kirkcaldy, sometimes back along the coast too, also went to Aberdour. Got train to Aberdour for a pre-xams meal too, was good, the Aberdour Hotel do it well.

Had the silicon replaced in shower replaced as there was another leak, seems to have solved the problem thank god.

We also went to the panto this year, and it will probably become a tradition, was very good.

Not on top form today, you might have guessed! Anyway here's to 2019!

The photos show Stewart and Nan the non-festive fairies, me with Bently the dog, the Lammernlaws in Burntisland taken while on a walk to Aberdour, and the budgies demanding attention while I was on the PC..oh, and the panto!!!