Wednesday, October 31, 2018

200000 steps

Been a bit obsessed with meeting the steps target my phone thinks I should meet. Been a bit of a couch potato this month so it's been a struggle. In fact I was left with about 70000 to go a couple of days ago, but, as luck should have it, I have been off work this week so a few long walks were undertaken.

The surge started in Edinburgh last Saturday where, after a long walk, we ended up at the Sheep Heid Inn in Duddingston for a decent meal. The Queen drops by on occasion apparently..

The steps target was then met by 2 coastal wanderings (Monday and today) to the far side of Dysart and back (with detour to spoons for some grub) and a long walk from Dalmeny rail station to Aberdour that I did yesterday, was tiring, but worth it in the end. Was rained on for about half the time, but was easy weather for walking.

This month has not been the most exciting, did a handful of walks to kirkcaldy, had the flu jab, had an issue with a rear car tyre that I needed to get replaced (oh, the lifestyle..), even cut my grass just the other day, unusual that I do that so lete in the year, but it needed it. Will probably have to call council to get ivy cut back a bit again as it's so thick half my grass has died off.

Wish I had more exciting development to report, but I dinne.

Plan a trip to Edinburgh tomorrow to visit the cinema, might squeeze in a couple of craft beer pubs beforehand.

Congrats to BP who achieved a sober October (it's been tough- for me) and even got her picture taken with William Shatner!  But seeing as this is about me, me, me, I won't publish..

Photos show a railway engine in Pittencrief park that I remember as a wee boy- this was taken during a work break. Also the squirrel, there are so many in this park! There is much talk of the new bridge across the Forth, but this is the original, taken yesterday. The other is Dysart harbour, taken today.