Sunday, September 30, 2018

Post Clematic stress syndrome

Did the most steps in ages this month- the app on the phone told me that- about 250000, which is not bad.  Also went a couple of runs around Kinghorn, I have a wee circuit that i like, and that was good. Used to run along coast to ruin of Seafield tower and back, but I'm not as young as I used to be!
My oldest-and most loyal- pal Clemens came over this month for a 4 day visit, much liquid refreshment was taken, we walked to Kirkcaldy and back on first day, from Elie to Crail on the second, Kinghorn to the Hillend Tavern on the third and a wee pub crawl of Edinburgh on the last day- think we were in Guildford Arms, St Andrews on Potters Row, Jolly Judge, Bow Bar, Blue get the picture.

Was nice to have a few days off work as it has really been getting on my perfectly formed chest recently. Talking of work, I even spent Thursday night at the City Hotel as I was working til 10pm and starting early next day, was OK.

Worked back-shift last week as Lesley N was off, and it's my back shift week this coming week- though a late start does have it's advantages, and I can watch more of the Starsky and Hutch box set I am into now. Yes, another series from the past, a psychologist probably knows why...true, I am obsessed with the past.

Here are pictures of Kinghorn, BP and Clemens and St Monans on the day we marched from Elie to Crail.