Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Flooded ill Juror

Just back from court after sitting on the jury for a week in Kirkcaldy, the courtroom stuff was fine, but the hours spent waiting in the jury room each day was a joke. The jury room simply isn't fit for purpose, virtually nothing to do, couldn't even get outside at all during the day. Still, I wasn't at work for quite a while, so every cloud as they say.

My jury stint was quite an ordeal for a number of days as I had a bad food poisoning (thanks Wetherspoons!) and I was terrified I was going to puke-or worse- while in court. The stomach cramps were especially painful, but the worst is over now -now though the gout is back in the big toe joint!! Have still some tablets from last flare up last month, so hopefully the pain will go soon, honestly I'm just falling apart. With all these health issues I've not even had a beer for over a week, so that proves I'm not quite myself.

Been a good month for weather, managed a walk to Aberdour and went a few times to Kirkcaldy along coast- will have to not order food at Wetherspoons from now on, they poisoned me 5 years ago and now again, pretty sure the breakfast wrap I had last Monday was to blame. I got myself a folding bike a few days ago too, though illness has prevented me trying it out, no rush I suppose, have a few days off in August.

Was in Edinburgh to see Mamma Mia 2 this month too, not really my kind of movie, but it was OK. Hope to go to a show or two at the Edinburgh festival, but won't make it this weekend as am working unfortunately.

One of the main things that will stick in my mind this month however is the flood caused by a faulty hot water hose pipe at the bathroom sink, this is similar to the disaster I had with the shower a few months back and the same workman was responsible as he fitted the sink and shower at same time. I called him and he blamed his supplier, obviously I got an emergency plumber , most of the damage was done to neighbour's below. She needs plastering and painting done, the guy who did my bathroom will pay, would have been worse had either party been out at the time.  Think I might need a proper plumber to give the place the once over before too long.

 The photos show the unused new bike, the beach here at mine on a typically sunny day in July and the other is the grave of my Great Grandfather, his son James (my great uncle) was killed in July 1918 and is listed on the gravestone. Nice and cheery, eh?  Oh well, always a bit depressing when July ends, but August might not be too bad, invited to a wedding for starters..