Friday, June 29, 2018

Out and a gout?

Apart from today-it's overcast here-it's been a brilliant month for weather. This is the only day I have off, am working the next 7 days unfortunately, might mean i'll miss a couple of world cup games, but such is life.

Was at the barber today, just noticed I was there on 2 June too, very rare for two visits in one month, especially these days..will need to get my remaining strands cut again for the wedding of the year in Berlin in August, but more of that another time.

Month started off with my car being serviced, had booked courtesy car, but they wouldn't give it to me as they required my national insurance number! I don't carry the number around with me so ended up having to get taxi to work, not the best start to the day, or month.

The following weekend I took Kath's dogs a walk from Inverkeithing to Kinghorn (well to Burntisland for them), they really are such well behaved doggies, have to to this more often if health allows..

I say this, as the last week of the month has been dominated by massive pain in my big toe joint, had to phone doctor, got an appointment with a nurse practitioner, who thought it was gout, was prescribed pills which make me woozy and a bit sick, though the pain in toe is seemingly much better now and even managed a walk along coast to meet Tavis in spoons today. He grudgingly bought a round of the cheapest beers..

Work is stressful, lots of people at end of tether, we'll see how this ends up, am not looking forward to the coming 7 days at all, though hopefully I'll have a few more days off from now on.

These photos were all taken recently, One on a sunny walk along the cost to see the seals, one on Kinghorn beach last Sunday, the other was taken the day of the Germany-Sweden game, the only game they won before going home in disgrace (also the only day the flags were out).