Monday, April 30, 2018


So that is April almost over and the sun is beating down, getting in my eyes as I write this, with the budgies making a hellish noise. This flat is a good place to live when the weather is good, perhaps not in the depths of winter however, and it was just a few short weeks ago when the snow was here!

Managed two trips to the gym this month and did a few walks along the coast to Kirkcaldy, just today I was along the coast and back to Kirkcaldy, stopping to panic buy some booze because tomorrow minimum pricing is introduced. Actually there was a great offer on smoky Black Grouse whisky, so I have 3 bottles in store, they will go up to at least £14 tomorrow and I get them for little over £10. Blame the crap SNP for this nanny state policy that really only targets the poor, the separatists really need to fuck off, the sooner the better.

Got back on Saturday from a wee trip, four nights, to Jersey. Had never been before, was good. Is a place I may well want to go to again. Did a couple of tours, one around the whole island, the other to the War Tunnels, built by occupying Nazi forces during the war. Also visited the military museum, festooned with swastikas, and had a nice walk from Corbiere to St Helier in the nice weather. The pubs were ok, though not brilliant, probably the best of the bunch were the Cock and Bottle and Lamplighter. The beer of choice was Liberation Ale, also liberation IPA was good.

Got a wee bit squiffy yesterday as I had today off, I managed to cut the grass and clean the living room windows while steaming however! Luckily the budgies didn't escape!

 Here are a few photos taken over the last few days in Jersey.