Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Deja vu

This old bugger just got even older, it's getting beyond a joke how old I am getting, I remember thinking 35 sounded old, now it sounds positively youthful.
Was still suffering a bit from the lurgy at start of month, still got a wee cough now, especially after lying down, but things are getting better. Obviously I have not been to gym or done a run due to my life-threatening condition, though a couple of walks were undertaken.  The longest would have been the Leven to Kinghorn walk with the unemployed Reddick, well, he managed it to the Harbour Bar anyway. Other walks were to Kirkcaldy and back, never get tired of the stretch, though longer stretches are planned, hopefully I will have one to report every month.

There was some snow this month, even had to get train to work one day, though we have been spared the worst of it. Mostly mild though, so no major motoring difficulties.

The major event was a trip to Germany- basically an almost exact repeat of the trip undertaken a month before- so that we could be at the birthday party of Clemens. Was a good trip, and no, I didn't get pissed. Some seriously good music was played by the musicians present, though Germans are quite standoffish at times. Anyway, was a good night, then, next day, wandered the streets of Stuttgart to find a decent pub, but had to make do with Biddy Earlys as the better one was closed on a Sunday.

Work is, well, work. Not quite as depressed about it as last month, but it's not a place I miss when I am not there. Here a few of a sleeping cat, one of Heidelberg main street, the other of Tavis drinking heavily with West Wemyss (this is a word I can never spell, just checked it) in the background.

Upgraded internet to faster speed, so far all good. Wonder what February will bring, March as soon as possible I hope.