Monday, December 31, 2018

Flu-ridden old killjoy, oh yes I am..

31st December and another year is about to end, not something that someone of my age should celebrate, though this won't go down as the best ever year anyway.  Been working these last 3 days, long shifts, and I take time to unwind, just feel really stressy even though we were just out for a couple in the Auld Hoose and then inhaled a Chinese
take away. Now at home, the budgies chatting away loudly and me still internally calming down. These last few days were also bad due to the horrible illness that has gripped me, some would say man flu, I prefer just to say flu. It started about Xmas eve (which I also worked) and has been a constant companion since, sometimes I'm cold, then burning up, then cold and so on..

I realize I moan a lot about the job on here, perhaps 2019 is the time to do something about it as it will be chaos once the campsites open. Have to get the CV updated.

Did reach my 200000 steps target, went several times along to Kirkcaldy, sometimes back along the coast too, also went to Aberdour. Got train to Aberdour for a pre-xams meal too, was good, the Aberdour Hotel do it well.

Had the silicon replaced in shower replaced as there was another leak, seems to have solved the problem thank god.

We also went to the panto this year, and it will probably become a tradition, was very good.

Not on top form today, you might have guessed! Anyway here's to 2019!

The photos show Stewart and Nan the non-festive fairies, me with Bently the dog, the Lammernlaws in Burntisland taken while on a walk to Aberdour, and the budgies demanding attention while I was on the PC..oh, and the panto!!!

Friday, November 30, 2018

Squirrel-feeding slaphead

What a dreich day it is today, have day off as am working tomorrow. Had to go out into the bad weather though as i still had to get steps to meet the 200000 target, yes I made it! I didn't do any massive long marches this month, just the usual, but I did walk more on work days, going round Pittencreif Park and feeding the squirrels when the weather allowed. Was also gifted a fit bit thingy that syncs with my Samsung phone, so more steps are probably counted. Sound obsessed? Probably am. Have quite a few days off in December so hopefully I should meet target again, problem in January though when I'll not have much time off.

Work is quiet, still quite shite though. I really do not miss it when i'm not there, I avoid night out with colleagues and that kind of thing, Sykes was a lesson, I really cannot be fashed with it. Not even feeling festive, we have decorations up at work already though. Visited the Christmas market in Edinburgh last Saturday, was mobbed and typically expensive. Had been at cinema to see Bohemian Rhapsody beforehand, not a bad film.

My budgies have been quiet for most of month, the dark days are not their thing, but they are out and about right now and making a deafening noise. Anytime you're on the phone, rest assured they will go from being quiet to going mad!

Car had the brake pads/discs done this month, almost £300 and I did not go to Kia garage as their customer service is probably the worst I've experienced. Talking of this, I need a plumber for leaking shower (thanks knobend who fitted bathroom last year) and had contacted a plumber, but he simply didn't show, was in the Auld Hoose just a moment ago and Johnny gave me a tip, so have contacted another, we'll see what happens.

Did our annual pilgrimage to Ulverston again this month, weather pretty bad, but was fine. Perhaps it's time to explore other towns though I might change my mind. No holidays booked at moment, not even to Germany. Just don't feel like it, need to save some cash for the crash that Brexit looks like bringing, I hardly put the news on anymore, just depressing and the sight of the Sturgeon makes my blood boil.

Got my luxurious lion's mane cut today after walking to Kirkcaldy to get my steps target, am still clinging on to a few strands, then to spoons for fish n chips, was good. Too lazy to walk back in the rain so got train back.

Not been a too eventful moth, but Novembers rarely some photos taken this month..3 from Ulverston, one from the park in Dunfermline during a pre-work stroll

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

200000 steps

Been a bit obsessed with meeting the steps target my phone thinks I should meet. Been a bit of a couch potato this month so it's been a struggle. In fact I was left with about 70000 to go a couple of days ago, but, as luck should have it, I have been off work this week so a few long walks were undertaken.

The surge started in Edinburgh last Saturday where, after a long walk, we ended up at the Sheep Heid Inn in Duddingston for a decent meal. The Queen drops by on occasion apparently..

The steps target was then met by 2 coastal wanderings (Monday and today) to the far side of Dysart and back (with detour to spoons for some grub) and a long walk from Dalmeny rail station to Aberdour that I did yesterday, was tiring, but worth it in the end. Was rained on for about half the time, but was easy weather for walking.

This month has not been the most exciting, did a handful of walks to kirkcaldy, had the flu jab, had an issue with a rear car tyre that I needed to get replaced (oh, the lifestyle..), even cut my grass just the other day, unusual that I do that so lete in the year, but it needed it. Will probably have to call council to get ivy cut back a bit again as it's so thick half my grass has died off.

Wish I had more exciting development to report, but I dinne.

Plan a trip to Edinburgh tomorrow to visit the cinema, might squeeze in a couple of craft beer pubs beforehand.

Congrats to BP who achieved a sober October (it's been tough- for me) and even got her picture taken with William Shatner!  But seeing as this is about me, me, me, I won't publish..

Photos show a railway engine in Pittencrief park that I remember as a wee boy- this was taken during a work break. Also the squirrel, there are so many in this park! There is much talk of the new bridge across the Forth, but this is the original, taken yesterday. The other is Dysart harbour, taken today.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Post Clematic stress syndrome

Did the most steps in ages this month- the app on the phone told me that- about 250000, which is not bad.  Also went a couple of runs around Kinghorn, I have a wee circuit that i like, and that was good. Used to run along coast to ruin of Seafield tower and back, but I'm not as young as I used to be!
My oldest-and most loyal- pal Clemens came over this month for a 4 day visit, much liquid refreshment was taken, we walked to Kirkcaldy and back on first day, from Elie to Crail on the second, Kinghorn to the Hillend Tavern on the third and a wee pub crawl of Edinburgh on the last day- think we were in Guildford Arms, St Andrews on Potters Row, Jolly Judge, Bow Bar, Blue get the picture.

Was nice to have a few days off work as it has really been getting on my perfectly formed chest recently. Talking of work, I even spent Thursday night at the City Hotel as I was working til 10pm and starting early next day, was OK.

Worked back-shift last week as Lesley N was off, and it's my back shift week this coming week- though a late start does have it's advantages, and I can watch more of the Starsky and Hutch box set I am into now. Yes, another series from the past, a psychologist probably knows why...true, I am obsessed with the past.

Here are pictures of Kinghorn, BP and Clemens and St Monans on the day we marched from Elie to Crail.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Wedding witness

A month that started when I was ill is now coming to an end. Just back from the Bavarian beer fest in Kirkcaldy, a bit tipsy it's true.

Anyway, was in Germany for a week or so this month, the gorgeous couple decided to tie the knot, and it all went swimmingly. Too hot for sure, but then any temperature is too hot for me.

 I will post once I remember passwords etc, am in a tizz right now.

 Well.  This is a couple of days afterward, Tavis and I got a bit pissed at the German thing, story of my life really, he did go the extra mile on the hat though..

Congrats to Silvio and Franzi. I am a boring wedding guest, you learn by experience.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Flooded ill Juror

Just back from court after sitting on the jury for a week in Kirkcaldy, the courtroom stuff was fine, but the hours spent waiting in the jury room each day was a joke. The jury room simply isn't fit for purpose, virtually nothing to do, couldn't even get outside at all during the day. Still, I wasn't at work for quite a while, so every cloud as they say.

My jury stint was quite an ordeal for a number of days as I had a bad food poisoning (thanks Wetherspoons!) and I was terrified I was going to puke-or worse- while in court. The stomach cramps were especially painful, but the worst is over now -now though the gout is back in the big toe joint!! Have still some tablets from last flare up last month, so hopefully the pain will go soon, honestly I'm just falling apart. With all these health issues I've not even had a beer for over a week, so that proves I'm not quite myself.

Been a good month for weather, managed a walk to Aberdour and went a few times to Kirkcaldy along coast- will have to not order food at Wetherspoons from now on, they poisoned me 5 years ago and now again, pretty sure the breakfast wrap I had last Monday was to blame. I got myself a folding bike a few days ago too, though illness has prevented me trying it out, no rush I suppose, have a few days off in August.

Was in Edinburgh to see Mamma Mia 2 this month too, not really my kind of movie, but it was OK. Hope to go to a show or two at the Edinburgh festival, but won't make it this weekend as am working unfortunately.

One of the main things that will stick in my mind this month however is the flood caused by a faulty hot water hose pipe at the bathroom sink, this is similar to the disaster I had with the shower a few months back and the same workman was responsible as he fitted the sink and shower at same time. I called him and he blamed his supplier, obviously I got an emergency plumber , most of the damage was done to neighbour's below. She needs plastering and painting done, the guy who did my bathroom will pay, would have been worse had either party been out at the time.  Think I might need a proper plumber to give the place the once over before too long.

 The photos show the unused new bike, the beach here at mine on a typically sunny day in July and the other is the grave of my Great Grandfather, his son James (my great uncle) was killed in July 1918 and is listed on the gravestone. Nice and cheery, eh?  Oh well, always a bit depressing when July ends, but August might not be too bad, invited to a wedding for starters..

Friday, June 29, 2018

Out and a gout?

Apart from today-it's overcast here-it's been a brilliant month for weather. This is the only day I have off, am working the next 7 days unfortunately, might mean i'll miss a couple of world cup games, but such is life.

Was at the barber today, just noticed I was there on 2 June too, very rare for two visits in one month, especially these days..will need to get my remaining strands cut again for the wedding of the year in Berlin in August, but more of that another time.

Month started off with my car being serviced, had booked courtesy car, but they wouldn't give it to me as they required my national insurance number! I don't carry the number around with me so ended up having to get taxi to work, not the best start to the day, or month.

The following weekend I took Kath's dogs a walk from Inverkeithing to Kinghorn (well to Burntisland for them), they really are such well behaved doggies, have to to this more often if health allows..

I say this, as the last week of the month has been dominated by massive pain in my big toe joint, had to phone doctor, got an appointment with a nurse practitioner, who thought it was gout, was prescribed pills which make me woozy and a bit sick, though the pain in toe is seemingly much better now and even managed a walk along coast to meet Tavis in spoons today. He grudgingly bought a round of the cheapest beers..

Work is stressful, lots of people at end of tether, we'll see how this ends up, am not looking forward to the coming 7 days at all, though hopefully I'll have a few more days off from now on.

These photos were all taken recently, One on a sunny walk along the cost to see the seals, one on Kinghorn beach last Sunday, the other was taken the day of the Germany-Sweden game, the only game they won before going home in disgrace (also the only day the flags were out).

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Endless sunny stressy month..

This month has lasted forever, is the month I only had 8 days off work, but managed the 200000 steps the fitness thing on my phone demands!

Month started off with me falling ill for a couple of weeks, thought it was just the usual bug, but lasted for a couple of weeks or more.

Felling under the weather one day as i was driving home I got a wee stone hitting windscreen, but luckily this was repairable as I'm already on my third windscreen with this car.

Managed at least 4 marches to Kirkcaldy this month, plus at least one gym visit I can remember. Also a visit to Edinburgh to buy expensive jeans- Levis- now i have 3 pairs of various colours.

Biggest walk was last Friday, the only day I've had off recently, when I walked on my own from Leven to Kinghorn. Was a good walk and the weather this month has been really good.

I have started to hate my workplace, very stressful, especially at weekends when a supervisor is on their own. One of them just got herself signed off for 2 weeks, beat me too it, because we just aren't paid enough to take the crap dumped on us, with very little reward.

Got a pair of scales so I can see my weight going up, seems it's very inconsistent though, how can it be so different every day? 77kg one day, 75.4 the next, back up to 77 again.. anyway, must get fitter! Pic are me in Edinburgh, twice on the long walk from Leven, and Dysart harbour.

Monday, April 30, 2018


So that is April almost over and the sun is beating down, getting in my eyes as I write this, with the budgies making a hellish noise. This flat is a good place to live when the weather is good, perhaps not in the depths of winter however, and it was just a few short weeks ago when the snow was here!

Managed two trips to the gym this month and did a few walks along the coast to Kirkcaldy, just today I was along the coast and back to Kirkcaldy, stopping to panic buy some booze because tomorrow minimum pricing is introduced. Actually there was a great offer on smoky Black Grouse whisky, so I have 3 bottles in store, they will go up to at least £14 tomorrow and I get them for little over £10. Blame the crap SNP for this nanny state policy that really only targets the poor, the separatists really need to fuck off, the sooner the better.

Got back on Saturday from a wee trip, four nights, to Jersey. Had never been before, was good. Is a place I may well want to go to again. Did a couple of tours, one around the whole island, the other to the War Tunnels, built by occupying Nazi forces during the war. Also visited the military museum, festooned with swastikas, and had a nice walk from Corbiere to St Helier in the nice weather. The pubs were ok, though not brilliant, probably the best of the bunch were the Cock and Bottle and Lamplighter. The beer of choice was Liberation Ale, also liberation IPA was good.

Got a wee bit squiffy yesterday as I had today off, I managed to cut the grass and clean the living room windows while steaming however! Luckily the budgies didn't escape!

 Here are a few photos taken over the last few days in Jersey.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Chester, Liverpool and (finally) Wales

I'll let the photos tell the story this month,  was great to visit Chester, Llnandudno, Wrexham and Liverpool. 

Saturday, March 03, 2018

Beast from the east

No, I did not forget to update this marvelous blog, I was stranded in Dunfermline with no access to internet for the most part, OK I did have access while at work, but I cannot remember the passwords etc. I do not want to use my work PC for private matters anyway, perhaps because I am sensible.

Anyway the month involved a couple of walks to Kirkcaldy along the coast, a long-awaited trip to Edinburgh, and, in last few days, lots of snow.

I was stranded at work from Wednesday until Friday, and only got home yesterday by walking the last few miles from the far side of Aberdour. Spent the two nights in the Wetherspoons hotel in Dunfermline, but unfortunately on the the first night the bar was closed as all the staff had gone home. Still, my other stranded colleagues and I found a few other pubs that were not yet closed..

Photos show Dunfermline High Street from an office window, the Dutch team in the pub, except Gino, who was thrown out of this one for being pissed. Gino is seen as found outside our hotel after leaving the pub.  The other photo, on a sunnier day, is of one of the bus shelters that have now been removed from the Kirkcaldy promendade, one was from 1930, the one in the photo from 1938, bit of a shame they are gone, but it improves the area no doubt.

Only got home yesterday after a colleague risked her car to drive me to the outskirts of Aberdour, I walked the coast home from there.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Deja vu

This old bugger just got even older, it's getting beyond a joke how old I am getting, I remember thinking 35 sounded old, now it sounds positively youthful.
Was still suffering a bit from the lurgy at start of month, still got a wee cough now, especially after lying down, but things are getting better. Obviously I have not been to gym or done a run due to my life-threatening condition, though a couple of walks were undertaken.  The longest would have been the Leven to Kinghorn walk with the unemployed Reddick, well, he managed it to the Harbour Bar anyway. Other walks were to Kirkcaldy and back, never get tired of the stretch, though longer stretches are planned, hopefully I will have one to report every month.

There was some snow this month, even had to get train to work one day, though we have been spared the worst of it. Mostly mild though, so no major motoring difficulties.

The major event was a trip to Germany- basically an almost exact repeat of the trip undertaken a month before- so that we could be at the birthday party of Clemens. Was a good trip, and no, I didn't get pissed. Some seriously good music was played by the musicians present, though Germans are quite standoffish at times. Anyway, was a good night, then, next day, wandered the streets of Stuttgart to find a decent pub, but had to make do with Biddy Earlys as the better one was closed on a Sunday.

Work is, well, work. Not quite as depressed about it as last month, but it's not a place I miss when I am not there. Here a few of a sleeping cat, one of Heidelberg main street, the other of Tavis drinking heavily with West Wemyss (this is a word I can never spell, just checked it) in the background.

Upgraded internet to faster speed, so far all good. Wonder what February will bring, March as soon as possible I hope.